Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in Central and West Africa: from theory to practice

Seven years after the first negotiations were initiated, the first FLEGT licence has yet to be issued. The implementation of the agreements has turned out to be more complicated than anticipated; in turn, a number of challenges must be addressed and major efforts must still be made. Even so, the negotiation and conclusion of VPAs have led to significant progress in improving forest governance. The present study is intended to document and foster strategic reflection in partner countries already engaged in negotiating a VPA – or those who will be entering into such negotiations – by providing examples of “good practices”. These good practices were identified and recorded following interviews with the main stakeholders in the eight VPA countries in West and Central Africa,2 the European Forest Institute’s (EFI) EU FLEGT Facility and the European Commission. A literature review then complemented the survey work carried out on the ground. The present document thus highlights a range of possible ways of meeting the challenges facing VPA countries. However, these “good” experiences come from a variety of contexts. As such, countries engaging in the VPA process should take these practices as useful guidelines, but should remember that a practice that is positive in one country will not necessarily provide the most appropriate solution in another. Lastly, this study is not exhaustive and should be updated as and when new lessons are learned and new data become available.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function