Genetic bottlenecks in the restoration of Araucaria nemorosa
16 February 2016
16 February 2016
This case study presents information from ecological and genetic research on a critically endangered tree species endemic to a narrow area of a Pacific Island (New Caledonia).
Conservation actions for the species are focussed on restoration that involves seed collection and planting at a number of sites. Students are asked to...
This case study presents information from research on tree seed sourcing by nurseries, seed supply chains, and the roles of different organizations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and the implications of current practices for genetic diversity.
In particular, the study covers the extent of seed tree sampling and germplasm exchange.
This allows...
Does selective logging degrade the genetic quality of succeeding generations through dysgenic selection?
16 February 2016
16 February 2016
This case study examines whether selective logging might have deteriorated the genetic quality of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) populations. Using data from a logging area in southeastern Brazilian Amazon and genetic principles such as the breeders’ equation, the exercise allows students to explore the theme of dysgenic selection.
The groups will: discuss...
Shorea lumutensis: genetic variation and conservation
15 February 2016
15 February 2016
This case study presents information on a critically endangered dipterocarp tree that is endemic to peninsular Malaysia.
The species is now restricted to small reserves and the study allows a focus on the vulnerability of small populations to natural catastrophes, demographic and environmental stochasticity (chance events), human activities and loss of...
This case study allows students to explore the role that cocoa agroforests may play in conserving tree species diversity. The exercise considers the overall question of ‘Can cocoa agroforests be important for conserving native tree species and if so what measures need to be taken to ensure they persist?’ The...
This case study allows students to explore the role that trees outside of forests may play in conserving tree genetic resources.
The exercise considers the overall question of ‘Can valuable tree genetic resources persist outside of forests and if so what measures need to be taken to ensure they persist?’ The...
Leucaena salvadorensis: genetic variation and conservation
15 February 2016
15 February 2016
This case study presents information from multi-disciplinary research (ecological, genetic, socio-economic) on a little-known species that is endemic to Central America, but now found mostly on farmers’ land.
Students use the information to devise a conservation strategy for this threatened species on a country basis (either El Salvador, Honduras or Nicaragua),...
Talbotiella gentii: genetic variation and conservation
15 February 2016
15 February 2016
This case study presents information on a critically endangered tree species with a narrow distribution in eastern Ghana.
The species is now restricted to small forest reserves and farmers’ land and, despite being given the highest status for conservation in Ghana, is seriously threatened with extinction from fire, harvesting for firewood...