Allard, G. & Coutinho, T. 2000. Integrated pest management of tree pathogens and disease vectors. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 18: 124-127.
Ciesla, W.M. 1994. Forest health considerations. FAO, Rome (Italy). Forest Resources Division, 7 pp.
FAO. 1995. A guide to the identification of diseases and pests of neem (Azadirachta indica). By E. R. Boa, RAP publication 1995/41, RAPA, FAO, Bangkok, 71 pp.
FAO. 1995. Forest pathology laboratory manual. By Anderson, R.L., FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Department, 27 pp.
FAO. 1994a. Assessment of forest diseases in Kenya with specific emphasis on cedar decline. By Anderson, R.L., FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Department, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Nairobi (Kenya), 34pp.
FAO. 1994b. Decline and dieback of trees and forests: a global overview. By Ciesla, W.M. & Donaubauer, E. FAO Forestry Paper 120, FAO, Rome Italy, 92 pp.
FAO. 1994c. Ensuring sustainability of forests through protection from fire, insects and disease. By Ciesla, W.M. In: Readings in sustainable forest management. FAO Forestry Paper 122, FAO, Rome, Italy, p. 131-149.
FAO. 1994d. Leucaena psyllid in the Asia-Pacific region: implications for its management in Africa. RAPA publication: 1994/13, RAPA/FAO, Bangkok, 27 pp.
FAO. 1993a. Decline and mortality in Acacia nilotica in riverine forests of the Blue Nile. By Ciesla, W.M., FAO, Rome (Italy), Forestry Department, 22 pp.
Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) Publications and Reports