Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Forest Tenure

Welcome to the Forest Tenure Module, which is intended for people involved in forest-tenure reforms or who are charged with implementing or facilitating SFM in forests under varying or contested tenure arrangements.

This module provides insights into issues related to forest-tenure systems and governance; key tools for analysing tenure systems, identifying stakeholder perspectives on tenure and assessing tenure governance arrangements and practices; and case studies on the practical application of such tools.

Alden Wily, L. 2004. Can We Really Own the Forest? A Critical Examination of Tenure Development in Community Forestry in Africa. Paper presented at Tenth Biennial Conference, International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Oaxaca, Mexico.

Ashby, W.R. 1956. An introduction to cybernetics. Chapman & Hall, London. 

Barry, D. & Meinzen-Dick, R. 2008. The invisible map: Community tenure rights. CIFOR & CAPRI.

Bavinck, M., Chuenpagdee, R., Diallo M., van der Heijden, P., Kooiman, J.,  Mahon R. & Williams, S. 2005. Interactive fisheries governance. Delft.

Braakman, L. 2002. The art of building training capacities. RECOFTC, Bangkok

Braakman, L. & Edwards, K. 2002. The art of building facilitation capacities. RECOFTC Bangkok.

Bray, D.A., Antinori, C. & Torres-Rojo, J. M. 2006. The Mexican model of community forest management: the role of agrarian policy, forest policy and entrepreneurial organization. Forest Policy and Economics 8 (2006) 470– 484.

CAPRi (CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights). 2010. Resources, rights and cooperation: a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC

Contreras-Hermosilla, A. & Fay, C. 2005. Strengthening forest management in Indonesia through land tenure reform: issues and framework for action. Forest Trends, Washington DC. 

Engel, A. & Korf, B. 2005. Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management. Livelihood Support Programme, FAO. Rome.

Engel, A. 2007. Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management. Training guide. FAO, Rome.

Evans, K., Velarde, S.J., Prieto, R., Rao, S.N., Sertzen, S., Dávila, K., Cronkleton P. & de Jong, W. 2006. Field guide to the future: four ways for communities to think ahead. Bennett E. and Zurek M. (eds.). Nairobi, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ASB, World Agroforestry Centre. p.87.

FAO. 2010. Developing Effective Forest Policy - A guide. FAO Forestry Paper 161. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 2011. Reforming forest tenure. Issues, principles and process. FAO Forestry Paper 165. Rome, Italy.

FAO. 2012. Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security. 9 May 2012. FAO, Rome.

Forest Trends. 2005. Strengthening forest management in Indonesia through land tenure reform: issues and framework for action. Washington, D.C.

Galudra, G., Sirait, M., Pasya, G., Fay, C., Suyanto, van Noordwijk, M. & Pradhan, U. 2010. RaTA: A rapid land tenure assessment manual for identifying the nature of land tenure conflicts. World Agroforestry Centre. Bogor, Indonesia.

Gray, D., Brown, S. & Macanufo, J. 2010. GameStorming, A playbook for innovators, rulebreakers and changemakers. O’Reilly.

IIED & FAO. 2012. How to shape forest governance, Toolkit. Draft, March 2012. FAO. Rome.

IUCN, RECOFTC & SNV. 2011. Natural resource governance trainer’s manual. 2011, Gland – Bangkok – Hanoi.

Jessop, B. 2003. Governance and meta-governance: on reflexivity, requisite variety, and requisite irony.

Larson, A.M. 2004. Democratic decentralisation in the forestry sector: lessons learned from Africa, Asia and Latin America. CIFOR, Managua.

Larson, A.M. & Ribot, J. C. 2007. The poverty of forestry policy: double standards on an uneven playing fieldSustainability Science, 2007, Volume 2, Number 2. P. 16.

Larson, A.M., Barry, D. & Dahal, G.R. 2010. New rights for forest-based communities? Understanding processes of forest tenure reform. In: International Forestry Review Vol.12(1), 2010, 78-96.

Larson, A.M., Barry, D., Dahal, G.R. & Pierce Colfer, C.J. (eds). 2010. Forests for people. Community rights and forest tenure reform. Earthscan. London and Washington, D.C.

McDougall, C., Ojha, H. M., Banjade, R., Pandit, B. H., Bhattarai, T., Maharjan, M. & Rana, S. 2008. Forests of learning. Experiences from research on an adaptive collaborative approach to community forestry in Nepal. A synthesis of lessons from the Adaptive Collaborative Management Research Project in Nepal. 1999–2002 and 2004–2007. CIFOR. Bogor.

Meinzen-Dick, R.S. & Pradhan, R. 2002. Legal pluralism and dynamic property rights. CAPRi Working Paper No. 22, Washington DC.

Meinzen-Dick, R. & Di Gregorio, M. 2004. Collective action and property rights for sustainable development. Focus 11, Brief 1 of 16, February 2004. IFPRI. Washington, DC

Ostrom, E. 1999. Self-governance and forest resources. Occasional Paper No. 20 Feb. 1999. CIFOR, Bogor.

Qiang, M. 2013. Presentation: Supporting forest tenure reform in China, at the Forest Management Team Meeting, February 2013. FAO, Rome.

RECOFTC & RRI. 2008. Forest tenure reform in Vietnam: case studies from the Northern Upland and Central Highlands Region. Bangkok and Washington, DC.

Ribot, J.C. & Peluso, N. L. 2003. A theory of access. In: Rural Sociology, Vol. 68, No. 2. P. 153-181.

Robinson, B.E., Holland, M.B. & Naughton-Treves, L. 2011. Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation. CCAFS Working Paper 7. Copenhagen, Denmark: CCAFS.

RRI. 2007. Transitions in Forest Tenure and Governance: Drivers, Projected Patterns and Implications for the Global Community. Washington, D.C.

RRI & ITTO. 2010. Tropical forest tenure assessment; trends, challenges and opportunities. Washington DC and Yokohama.

Springate-Baginski, O. & P. Blaikie (eds.). 2007. Forests, people and power: the political ecology of reform in South Asia. Earthscan. London.

Sunderlin, W.D., Larson, A.M., Duchelle, A.E., Resosudarmo, I. A. P., Huynh Thu Ba, Awono, A. & Dokken, T. 2013. How are REDD+ Proponents Addressing Tenure Problems? Evidence from Brazil, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam. World Development

Wachter, 1992, cited in Katz, E. 2000. Social capital and natural capital: a comparative analysis of land tenure and natural resource management in Guatemala. Land Economics, Vol. 76, No.1

WWF. 2013. Strengthening land tenure through participatory land-use mapping in the Democratic Republic of Congo.