Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Climate change guidelines for forest managers

Year of publication 2013
These guidelines have been prepared to assist forest managers to better assess and respond to climate change challenges and opportunities at the forest management unit (FMU) level. The document provides guidance on how to identify, assess and prioritize options for adjusting forest management plans and practices in response to and in anticipation of climate change. These guidelines will also be of interest to stakeholders outside the forest sector, since forest management responses to climate change will influence and be influenced by other sectors and stakeholders. The actions outlined in these guidelines are intended to be relevant to all kinds of forest manager, such as individual forest owners, private forest enterprises, public-sector agencies, indigenous groups and community forest organizations. The actions are applicable in all forest types in all regions and for all management objectives (e.g. for production, protection, conservation and multiple use). The wide scope of the document means that, by design, the guidance it provides is generic. When recommended actions are specific to a certain type of forest owner or management objective, this is otherwise stated.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted), Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility