Urban Food Actions Platform

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Selected Resources ​

Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution - Reports & Case Studies
ONLY IN SPANISH The food systems perspective is central to understanding and acting on global risks, such as pandemics and climate change. Furthermore, global emergencies have a major impact on food security and nutrition by affecting the availability, accessibility and affordability of food, especially in cities, due to their high population density. Agro-food...
Spain (Europe)
2020 - María Carrascosa García, Daniel López García, Jorge Molero Cortés
Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
Three research Centers have monitored and assessed New York City’s food system response to COVID-19 to date and over the next 18 months. This report is a first independent assessment of the effects of COVID-19 on NY food system and an assessment of the many public and private responses. In this...
United States of America (North America)
2020 - Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center, Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy, and The CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute
Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
As part of Milan's urban food policy pact, the "Cities for Food" project, launched in 2018, aims to encourage cities to make the transition to sustainable food systems at the territorial level. With this objective, the food systems of seven cities have been studied.         Guanajuato in Mexico,         Valparaiso in Chile,         Ho-chi-Minh-City...
Chile, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam (Global coverage)
2020 - Anna Faucher, Louison Lançon
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Frameworks
This recorded event presents an action-oriented, High-Level conference, held on 18 September 2020, presents an integrated approach to urban and peri-urban planning aimed at: improving the quality and quantity of urban and peri-urban forest and green spaces to maximize the provision of ecosystem good and services to city dwellers; increasing the...
(Global coverage)
2020 - Coll.
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Frameworks
The increasing pace of urbanization implies a growing demand for basic goods and services and local administrations are finding it more and more difficult to meet the needs for urban populations. The COVID-19 pandemic has added new challenges, worsening conditions for the most vulnerable. The main objective of the Green...
(Global coverage)
2020 - Coll.