Urban Food Actions Platform

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Selected Resources ​

Food supply and distribution - Reports & Case Studies
Looking back at the symposium "Urban Food Policies" organized from 16 to 18 November 2015 in Montpellier (France). The opportunity to explore, through concrete examples presented by political and technical leaders of urban governments, three levers of strategic actions that can be mobilized by cities and urban areas : markets...
(Global coverage)
2017 - S. Albert, J. Debru, N. Bricas, D. Conaré
Governance and planning - Academic Literature
This book describes the existing conceptual frameworks for an analysis of urban food policies, at the crossroads of the concepts of food system and sustainable city. It provides a basis for identifying research questions in relation to urban local government initiatives in the North and South. It is the result...
(Global coverage)
2017 - Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré, Benoit Daviron, Julie Debru, Laura Michel, Christophe-Toussait Soulard
Social and economic equity - Policy Briefs
The transfer of funds by migrants to their home countries (cash remittances) is at an all-time high. By 2017, it is predicted to rise to US$500 billion – and there is a growing policy consensus that cash remittances can be mainstreamed into development. Equally, food remitting also has a role...
2017 - Mary Caesar
Governance and planning - Working documents
Small towns are a central element of food systems as market nodes, centres for processing and storage, and access to inputs and services. This paper reviews evidence of the role of these smaller urban centres in the ‘virtuous circle’ of rural-urban linkages, and distils the key lessons for equitable food...
Tanzania (Global coverage)
2017 - Cecilia Tacoli, Jytte Agergaard
Governance and planning - Academic Literature
The proposed contribution presents the theoretical background, the aims and the design of a research-action which is being implemented by an interdisciplinary group or research based in Turin (Italy), including geographers, planners, IT experts, agronomists, designers. The core of the project is the development of a methodology of analysis of...
Italy (Europe)
2017 - Egidio Dansero, Giacomo Pettenati, Alessia Toldo