Urban Food Actions Platform

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Selected Resources ​

Food production and ecosystem management - Policy Briefs
Whether grown in small gardens or larger fields, using traditional or high-tech practices, horticultural crops have high water requirements. The quality of water used in horticulture is also critical, since water-borne pathogens on crops eaten uncooked can cause diseases such as typhoid and cholera. As cities grow, so does their...
(Global coverage)
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food production and ecosystem management - Policy Briefs
As cities grow, demand for land and changes in land uses are placing intense pressure on urban and periurban horticulture. Because areas used for UPH are often held under customary or informal tenure, many growers face the constant threat of being evicted or having their plots appropriated by others. Growers...
(Global coverage)
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food production and ecosystem management - Policy Briefs
Creating partnerships for local development is a key part of FAO’s work. The FAO Decentralized Cooperation (DC) Programme helps to link local government institutions in developed and developing countries in a range of activities, from improving water conservation in arid rural areas to tree-planting in city centres. The programme was...
(Global coverage)
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food loss and waste - Reports & Case Studies
The study highlights the losses occurring along the entire food chain, and makes assessments of their magnitude. Further, it identifies causes of food losses and possible ways of preventing them. The results of the study suggest that roughly one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally,...
(Global coverage)
2011 - Jenny Gustavsson, Christel Cederberg, Ulf Sonesson, Robert van Otterdijk, Alexandre Meybeck
Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
With the fast approaching collapse of modern civilization in the face of climate change and resource depletion, cities are both at the root of the problem and offer the seed of change: as sites of size and relative autonomy, where citizens can mobilize without politicians who remain gridlocked at national...
United Kingdom (Europe)
2011 - Tom Bliss