Urban Food Actions Platform

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Selected Resources ​

Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
ONLY IN FRENCH Micro-gardens are small gardens adapted to cities, in particular to neighbourhoods with a high population density and no space around the houses. Micro-gardens have several benefits: they allow low-income families to produce vegetables and various condiments at home to grant healthy diets and they are an efficient tool to...
Senegal (Africa)
2010 - Coll.
Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
In the year 2000, the Democratic Republic of the Congo was emerging from a five-year conflict in the eastern part of the country that had caused countless deaths and a massive flight of rural people to towns and cities. Between 1995 and 2000, the population of the capital, Kinshasa, had...
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Africa)
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food production and ecosystem management - Policy Briefs
Towns and cities in the world’s developing countries are growing on an unprecedented scale. Ten years ago, an estimated 40 percent of the developing world’s population – or 2 billion people – lived in urban areas. Since then, their numbers have expanded almost twice as fast as total population growth, to...
(Global coverage)
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food loss and waste - Reports & Case Studies
MALAKAS! is a 40-minute documentary video that tells the story of how three barangays (villages) in Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines were engaged in a community participatory process to design their own systems of organic waste management in support of local food production. The film and the project...
Philippines (Asia and the Pacific)
2010 - Jeannette Tramhel
Sustainable diets and nutrition - Reports & Case Studies
ONLY IN FRENCH Street food or food sold on the street plays a growing socio-economic role in all African cities. This mode of feeding, which has become a phenomenon of modern societies, enables more than 80% of urban populations to meet their nutritional needs, generates income that enables many households to...
Burkina Faso (Africa)
2008 - Juliette T COMPAORE, Pr Nicolas BARRO, Zéphirin BELEMSIGRI, Charlotte KOMKOBO, Mamadou BELEM, Caroline YAMEOGO