Городские мероприятия в области продовольствия

FoodCloud - The people we meet

Автор: FoodCloud
Издатель: FoodCloud

Here at FoodCloud we are focused on re-distributing surplus food available from supermarkets, directly to charities addressing food poverty at a local level. After starting on our home turf in Ireland, over the last year we have scaled to feed people via 4000+ charities in the UK. It is a hard model to get right, but with technological support we've been able to make it work, day-in, day-out, and its a model that could be replicated across the world.

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Тема: Food loss and waste
Tег: Social enterprises, Waste prevention, Wholesale
Организация: FoodCloud
Автор: FoodCloud
Год: 2016
Tип: Directories
City (Страна): United Kingdom
Регион: Europe
формат ресурса: Document
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