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Paper: the urban agenda - meeting the food and nutrition security needs of the urban poor

Автор: SNV
Издатель: SNV

Today SNV publishes a report that explores the malnutrition situation in the urban environment and explores interventions that can be used to address it. Urbanisation is expected to put an increased pressure on the global food systems. As the world’s cities expand, they are becoming home to an increasing number of malnourished people, particularly women and infants. These groups remain vulnerable to malnourishment and the triple burden of malnutrition is increasingly becoming visible amongst the urban poor. High rates of undernutrition in children co-exist with being overweight or obese and anaemia in adults. This situation continues to be one of the main barriers that prevents children, communities and societies from realising their full potential. Over a year ago, in October 2016, the New Urban Agenda was adopted. The set of non-binding principles and commitments will guide the efforts around urban development through to 2036. Yet, many questions remain: can the urban agenda play a role in reversing the alarming trend in food and nutrition insecurity? What are the main causes malnutrition and constraints for people to improve their nutrition status? And more pressing, how can we addres these?

Также имеется в наличии в: Français Español 中文 العربية Русский
Тема: Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food supply and distribution
Организация: SNV
Автор: SNV
Год: 2018
Tип: Articles
Регион: Global coverage
формат ресурса: Document
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