Urban and peri-urban agriculture

Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) can be defined as practices that yield food and other outputs through agricultural production and related processes (transformation, distribution, marketing, recycling…), taking place on land and other spaces within cities and surrounding regions.

It involves urban and peri-urban actors, communities, methods, places, policies, institutions, systems, ecologies and economies, largely using and regenerating local resources to meet changing needs of local populations while serving multiple goals and functions.

UPA offers a fundamental strategy for building the resilience of a city’s food supply.
Did you know ?
55% of the world’s population resides in urban areas
800 million people worldwide are involved in UPA (1996)
79% of all food produced is destined for consumption in cities
266 million urban households are involved in crop production in developing countries

In Focus
Urban and peri-urban agriculture: from production to food systems

The report highlights typologies, practices, scopes, benefits and providing recommendations and guidance.

Urban and peri-urban agriculture case studies – Overview, conclusions and recommendations

This report contains six case studies on UPA from across the globe, which provides an overview of impacts and the key requirements of a broad range of typologies and practice

Green Cities Initiative

The Initiative focuses on improving the urban environment, strengthening urban-rural linkages and the resilience of urban systems, services and populations to external shocks.

Urban Food Agenda

The Urban Food Agenda is an FAO flagship initiative to enhance sustainable development, food security and nutrition in urban and peri-urban areas, and nearby rural spaces.

Key Messages
UPA food production has a comparative advantage over other forms of food production in that it ensures fresh food is available and accessible close to urban markets.
UPA encompasses a complex and diverse mix of food production activities, including fisheries and forestry.
UPA provides employment and income and can contribute to the food security and nutrition of urban dwellers.
The long- term sustainability of UPA agriculture will depend on its integration into the urban planning and food system policy processes.
Support programmes need to consider the broad range of crops and activities that can contribute to the food security, employment, and livelihoods of poor people in urban and peri-urban areas.