Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

Play the game “GO small-scale Fish!ng” and learn about the SSF Guidelines


Photo from when course participant at a Resilient Fisheries Governance course in Wageningen test-play
the ‘GO small-scale Fish!ng’ card game in December 2019. © Åsa Ljusenius/FAO

We are happy to announce the release of a card game called 'GO small-scale Fish!ng '. This is an educational tool teaching the content of the SSF Guidelines through short, simple sentences and descriptive illustrations. It can be used in workshops, trainings, meetings, or whenever small-scale fisheries is being discussed.

The 'GO small-scale Fish!ng' card game is played in the same way as the popular children 's game 'Go fish!”, or the Dutch game 'Quartets ', but instead of asking someone for the '5 of diamonds ' or '8 of hearts, one will ask for the card 'No discrimination against women ' in the set 'Gender Equality ', or the card 'Learning opportunities ' in the set 'Capacity Development ', etc.

The aim of the game is to collect as many complete sets of cards possible – and get an introduction to the SSF Guidelines in the process. It is a suitable game for groups of two to eight players. The time to play is flexible, but about an hour is recommended.
One can also use the cards to start a discussion, even without playing the game. Each card offers a mini lesson about the SSF Guidelines, and along with the rules of the game comes a note of guidance for facilitators on how to use 'GO small-scale Fish!ng ' to maximize learning.

The 'GO small-scale Fish!ng ' game is developed for FAO by the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (a part of Wageningen University and Research).
Are you planning an event about small-scale fisheries? Would you like to play the game? Get in touch with us on [email protected] to ask for copies of the game.

Click to enlarge
Photo of the ‘GO small-scale Fish!ng’ card game. © Åsa Ljusenius/FAO