
Minister endorsed youth targets for SDGs

21 May 2015
The draft framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be adopted at the United Nations in September this year, does not yet adequately recognise the unique needs or the potential contributions of young people in national development. For this reason, Ministers responsible for Youth...

The Youth Guide to the Ocean is here!

04 May 2015
This Youth Guide to the Ocean gives you a starting point. It illustrates many of the wonders of the ocean, what the ocean does for us and what we are doing to the ocean. It also describes what is being done...

The Youth Guide to Forests is here!

30 September 2014
The Youth Guide to Forests is designed as an educational resource for schools, youth groups and other curious young learners. This fact-filled Guide explores forests from the equator to the frozen poles, the depths of the rainforest to the...

Youth Climate Action Map

25 August 2014
Are you taking action for climate justice? Map your activities on and see what others are doing too! All materials will be used in towards the build up for the UN 2014 Climate Summit. Enjoy it, share...

Open Letter on Climate Change Action

22 August 2014
Check out this open letter from youth to African leaders on the urgent need for climate change action. Perhaps you'll feel inspired to write to your national leaders about issues that you care about too!