
YUNGA al 23º Jamboree mondiale dello scautismo - Giappone 2015

28 July 2015
The World Scout Jamboree is the largest event organized by WOSM and it takes place every 4 years in a different country. The event gathers young people from around the world, and seeks to encourage youth to grow as global...

Concorso video mondiale per la Gioventù sul cambiamento climatico

22 July 2015
Objective The objective of the Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change is to shine a light on existing climate action taken by youth with the help of videos, providing young people a space to showcase their success and...

Chiamata per giovani autori dell'America Latina e del Pacifico

30 June 2015
Can you write creative stories about children’s rights, environmental solutions, and the future that we all want? Would you like to join a global council of prize-winning child authors, and have your work published internationally in many languages? Then Submit a Creative...

Il Brevetto sul Suolo in portoghese è qui!

30 June 2015
We are delighted to announce that the Soils Challenge Badge is now available online in Portuguese! This booklet is packed with activities to help you learn about soil and how it is formed, the creatures that live in it, and...

La Sfida Fame Zero spiegata ai bambini

30 May 2015
Milano, 30 aprile 2015 - Siamo lieti di annunciare che l'illustratore Lorenzo Terranera, in collaborazione con UNICEF Italia, ha completato la decorazione dello Spazio ONU del Children's Park di Expo Milano 2015.  I contenuti dello Spazio ONU del Children's Park...