
Международный молодежный конкурс видеороликов на тему "Изменение климата"

The objective of the Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change is to shine a light on existing climate action taken by youth with the help of videos, providing young people a space to showcase their success and to inspire other youth, as well as
policymakers, to become just as active.
How can you participate?
If you are between the ages of 18 and 30, we want to hear about your inspiring climate actions. Think about a project or campaign you are involved in to combat climate change, an action which convinced your parents, school or college to take
climate action. Or have you been involved in lobbying your elected members of parliament or your city leaders? Whatever has made a difference, turn it into a snappy 3-minute video and join the competition. The videos may be recorded in any
language, but English subtitles must be provided. 
The two winners will:
• get a round trip to COP 21/CMP 11 in Paris, France from 30 November to 11 December 2015 (inclusive of accommodation and other expenses); and
• be assigned the role of youth reporter for COP 21 /CMP 11, responsible for assisting the UNFCCC Newsroom team with videos, articles and social media posts.
Deadline to submit your video
23.00 GMT 17 August 2015