Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Base de données

L'agroécologie joue un rôle majeur: elle contribue à l'élimination de la faim et de l'extrême pauvreté, et facilite la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus productifs, plus durables et plus inclusifs. Sensibiliser davantage à l'agroécologie et à ses avantages est une étape importante pour aider décideurs, agriculteurs et chercheurs à appliquer cette approche au service d'un monde libéré de la faim.

La base de données est un point de départ dont le but est d'organiser les connaissances existantes sur l'agroécologie, en rassemblant en un même endroit articles, vidéos, études de cas, ouvrages et autres matériels importants. L'objectif est d'aider les décideurs, les agriculteurs, les chercheurs et autres parties concernées grâce à l'échange et à la mise en commun de connaissances. La base de données est un instrument dynamique qui est constamment actualisé.

Les références externes indiquées sur ce site web sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Gender related content
Diversified farms have received considerable attention for their potential to contribute to environmentally sustainable, resilient,and socially just food systems. In response, some governments are building new forms of public support for social-ecologicalservices through the creation of mediated markets, such as targeted public food procurement programs. Here, we examine therelationship between...
article de journal
Agro-ecological bases for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change. Although many indigenous and peasant populations are particularly exposed to the impacts of climate change and are vulnerable, many communities are actively responding to the changing climate and have demonstrated innovation and resilience, using a variety of strategies to deal with droughts, floods, hurricanes, etc....
article de journal
Lowland irrigated rice fields serve the dual purpose of providing an essential food crop to the world’s most populous regions and functioning as man-made wetlands that harbor a diversity of organisms. Amphibians occupy rice fields throughout Asia and South America, but little is known about their functional role in the...
article de journal
Diversified farms have received considerable attention for their potential to contribute to environmentally sustainable, resilient, and socially just food systems. In response, some governments are building new forms of public support for social-ecological services through the creation of mediated markets, such as targeted public food procurement programs. Here, we examine...
article de journal
Agricultural practices need to change to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. How to achieve the SDGs is heavily contested. Here we propose a policy framework that triggers the required transition.  Organic agriculture, although not a silver bullet, is a useful component in such strategy.
Document de travail
The global environmental and social-economic crises of industrialized agriculture have led to the emergence of agroecology as an alternative approach aiming to increase the ecological, social and economic sustainability of agri–food systems. The ‘multi-level perspective’ is now a widely used framework to understand and promote the upscaling of local innovation...
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