Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Base de données

L'agroécologie joue un rôle majeur: elle contribue à l'élimination de la faim et de l'extrême pauvreté, et facilite la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus productifs, plus durables et plus inclusifs. Sensibiliser davantage à l'agroécologie et à ses avantages est une étape importante pour aider décideurs, agriculteurs et chercheurs à appliquer cette approche au service d'un monde libéré de la faim.

La base de données est un point de départ dont le but est d'organiser les connaissances existantes sur l'agroécologie, en rassemblant en un même endroit articles, vidéos, études de cas, ouvrages et autres matériels importants. L'objectif est d'aider les décideurs, les agriculteurs, les chercheurs et autres parties concernées grâce à l'échange et à la mise en commun de connaissances. La base de données est un instrument dynamique qui est constamment actualisé.

Les références externes indiquées sur ce site web sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Gender related content
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) will host this Congress to discuss Mexican Agroecology, food sovereignty, knowledge, ‘’cosmovision’’ and biocultural heritage. Marginalization, food dependence and the effects of climate change make Mexico vulnerable as a country, especially within the social strata that have fewer economic resources. One way to reverse this...
This online and face-to-face course in French provides practical knowledge on agronomical techniques from production to marketing. The objective of the distance-learning modules is to become familiar with the environment of Miracle Farms and to acquire basic notions of Agroecology in a diversified orchard through interaction with a trainer and participation...
The objebtive of the event is to share information and practices on challenges and opportunities on Agroecology in Central Asia countries. Expected outputs:• Awareness raised on the multiples benefits agroecology can provide in Central Asia countries• Knowledge and practices on agroecology among the stakeholders shared• Priority for the agenda in the...
Agroecology is an integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to the design and management of food and agricultural systems. It seeks to optimize the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment while taking into consideration the social aspects that need to be addressed for...
This event is held under the framework of the LIVESEED project funded by the European Commission  and the Swiss Government. The project, that started in June 2018, includes 40 partners from 18 countries. Academia, networks and associations will gather on 8-9 May to discuss the current problems around production, marketing and conservation...
PELUM Uganda is organising a 2-day National Agroecology Actors Symposium (NAAS 1) as the first of its kind in the country. The event, which will be held from 30th to 31st May at Silver springs Hotel in Bugolobi, Kampala will bring together various stakeholders ranging from farmers, private sector, research...
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