Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Call for papers of food democracy, Agroecological transition and urbanism for the International Conference AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning (deadline 1 April)

25/03/2019 - 

The AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning Conference will look at climate change problems through an agroecological lens, and discuss the profound improvements needed in terms of degrowth and social justice. The papers should focus on food democracy, agroecological transition and urbanism.

Participants are invited to contribute with their knowledge on how planning instruments and processes are levers of the required public support towards territorialized food systems, diversified agroecological production, local logistics and retail infrastructures, adapted technologies and new organization of an envisioned close-loop cycle of food production, and consumption. Is resilience a concept strong enough to face the ecological crisis or is a more radical approach needed? How do we impact unequal power relations and distributions of resources to place farming/primary sector at a central position in the economy? How do we help engage the rural communities in national-level food planning? Are concepts such as self-contained cities, frugal urbanity, city-region’s self-reliance and austerity those that will help us move forward?            


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