أرشيف المطبوعات
Drivers, dynamics and epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in animal production
It is now accepted that increased antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria affecting humans and animals in recent decades is primarily influenced by an
increase in usage of antimicrobials [...]
Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Livestock Production Industry (Factsheet)
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a natural phenomenon in which microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites adapt
to antimicrobial agents [...]
FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No.55
Two interesting articles have been published: "Antimicrobials and aquaculture" (pp. 8-9) and "FAO Initiatives on Antimicrobial Resistance" (pp. 52-53)
FAO Action Plan on AMR in food and agriculture
This product is part of a broader series composed by several factsheets about main activities of the AG Department. This factsheet in particular is about Antimicrobial Resistance. It underlines the importance of FAO's Action Plan and its support to governments, [...]
تقرير عن حالة مقاومة مضادات امليكروبات
طلب اجمللس يف دورته اخلمسني بعد املائة )ديسمم/ككانو األو 2014 ،)إعمداد وثيقمة تم/ دور منظممة
األغذية والزراعمة )الاماو( وشمركائاا يف مما يتعلمق مبقاوممة مضمادات امل يكروبمات لعرضماا خمال دورتمه اااديمة واخلمسني بعد املائة. كما طلب اجمللس رفع مشروع قرار بشأ مقاوممة [...]