Resistencia a los antimicrobianos

Archivo de publicaciones

Why should policymakers act on antimicrobial resistance in agrifood systems?

This fact sheet provides background information on the link between agrifood systems and AMR...

Africa Regional Strategy on Antimicrobial Resistance Communications and Advocacy

This strategy was developed to serve as a guide for African countries to improve awareness of AMR and its consequences, to promote careful use of antimicrobials among key stakeholders, and to support countries to communicate in a consistent manner...

Marco Estratégico de Colaboración sobre la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos. Juntos por «Una sola salud»

Este documento representa un hito importante en la historia tras décadas de colaboración entre las organizaciones tripartitas

Tackling antimicrobial use and resistance in food-producing animals - Lessons learned in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

This publication describes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s multisectoral voluntary approach to antibiotic stewardship in food-producing animals, developed as a collaboration between industry and government...

Assessment of antimicrobial resistance risks in six Latin American countries 2019–2021: Integrated regional project in antimicrobial resistance

This report represents a summary of the results obtained from the application of the tool in six Latin American countries, from 2019 to 2021.

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