FAO in Armenia
The World Antibiotic Awareness Week kicks off in Armenia.  The series of awareness raising events on antimicrobials and their proper use was launched in Yerevan on 15 November 2019, with a lecture at the Armenian National Agrarian University for veterinary students. The event was the official opening of the World Antibiotic...
18-21 October 2019 | Ararat Province, Armenia – Never has learning been as exciting as in five schools of the Ararat Province in Armenia, where the Russian-funded project “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia” has established greenhouses and apple orchards...
Pushkino secondary school hosts the main event of the week Pushkino, Lori region–Never had the Pushkino secondary school seen this many guests and attention as today. The students and staff were very excited about the FAO the World Food Day event the school was hosting. This was the first event of...
Upon request from the governments of Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, FAO has been helping these countries maintain the genetic diversity and sustainable use of local brown cattle breeds suitable for both dairy and meat production.
The International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat, housed at FAO headquarters in Rome, in collaboration with the Government of Armenia, is holding a workshop on 24 to 26 July, as part of an FAO project on the production of grape phylloxera-resistant certified planting material. Two days in the capital will be followed by...