
Consultations on Aquatic Genetic Resources

31/01/2013-01/02/2013 Bangkok, Thailand


At the Sixth Session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, the Sub-Committee supported the establishment of an Advisory Working Group on Genetic Resources and Technologies, to be coordinated by FAO, that would bring together knowledge and expertise, establish linkages with other networks and agencies and develop a plan of action as part of its activities. The Thirtieth Session of COFI endorsed the establishment of the working group to advise the Organization on matters concerning aquatic genetic resources and technologies and to enhance international cooperation on aquatic genetic resources. The terms of reference of the Advisory Working Group shall be established by the FAO Secretariat according to its standard rules and procedures. To develop draft terms of reference, FAO convened a two day meeting from 31 January to 1 February 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand with the participation of international experts. The terms of reference of the Advisory Working Group were presented to the Sub-Committee for approval as Annex 1 of the Committee on Fisheries report COFI:AQ/VII/2013/2.

Output of the meeting: Draft Guidelines for the Preparation of Country Reports for The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture