
Technical and Policy Discussion on the Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) in Asia

24/06/2013-25/06/2013 Bangkok, Thailand

Technical and Policy Discussion on the Prevention and
Control of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) in Asia

Bangkok, Thailand
24 to 25 June 2013




  • To share the lessons learned from actions undertaken by the GoC in preventing and managing the situation of H7N9 influenza infections in poultry and humans as well as monitoring H7N9 influenza viral evolution; 
  • To discuss specific unresolved issues related to viral transmission, surveillance, risk assessment and management as well as appropriate and practical interventions for H7N9 influenza infection based on capacity developed from H5N1 crisis; 
  • To discuss risks and scenarios of the H7N9 situation in the region and the possible mitigation measures in short-, medium- and longer-term; 
  • To identify the opportunities for synergies of the human health, animal health and  other sectors  among the countries in the region and between the countries and the relevant international organizations


Concept note


Opening address
