FAO Capacity Development

Capacity Development
is at the heart of FAO's mandate. 

In FAO’s view, Member Countries lead and manage their own development process, while FAO supports them in this endeavour by strengthening their capacities to achieve their own goals in food security, nutrition and agricultural development. 

FAO targets its capacity development support at individual, organization and policy level. 

FAO capacity development learning modules
Learning opportunities at FAO on capacity development
Practical tools on good capacity development practices
FAO's full range of e-learning courses

Capacity development in action

While the agricultural sector in Guatemala employs the 31.2% of the total workforce (ILOSTAT), it only contributes 11.3% of the national GDP (World Bank) and represents a very low percentage [...]
Facilitating the exchange of knowledge, expertise and innovation among FFS practitioners
Farmer Field School (FFS) is a participatory learning approach being used in a wide range of different contexts around the world. A FFS brings together a group of farmers, livestock [...]
According to FAO estimates, the eradication of hunger and poverty in Côte d'Ivoire by 2030 will require additional annual investments of US $ 3.7 billion, of which almost 40 percent [...]
Youth vital players in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems
Action is needed to enhance agricultural investments by and with young agri-entrepreneurs. Empowering youth to engage in the agricultural sector is vital to creating livelihood opportunities, achieve food security and [...]
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) actively supports ongoing efforts in implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of [...]
The Food and Agriculture Organization actively supports ongoing efforts in Uganda to engage and empower youth to carry out responsible investment in the agricultural sector. In this context, FAO organized [...]
Populations are increasingly exposed to natural hazards, socio-economic shocks, conflicts or protracted crises. Men and women who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods are often the most affected by these [...]
Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism - predominant livelihood systems in the drylands of Eastern Africa - are facing new challenges linked to climate change, land tenure changes, conflict, and emerging livestock diseases [...]
BackgroundThe majority of Nepalese people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Hence, there is a high demand for agricultural resources such as inputs, seeds and fertilisers. Agricultural cooperatives are a [...]
More than ten million people suffer from chronic undernourishment in Mesoamerica. Lifting these people out of hunger by 2030 will require US$1.5 billion annual additional investments, of which US$276 million [...]
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