Incatema Consulting & Engineering S.L.

Objective(s) of the engagement

FAO and INCATEMA are working together to promote sustainable rural development, using inclusive agro-food value chain development strategies to increase the availability and promote the consumption of safe, quality and affordable fresh foods. The main focus of the partnerships is to support initiatives which reduce food losses and waste across food supply chains, promote the development and/or the modernization of food processing and develop and disseminate knowledge products and training material.

Thematic area of partnership
Production, Nutrition, Environment, Life
Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Saint Lucia
Engagement Mechanisms
Policy dialogue, Capacity development, Technical cooperation, Knowledge and research
Progress to date
  • Support provided to the FAO Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in SIDS (GAP)
  • Jointly piloted the use of solar drying technologies in food processing with groups of food business operators in Barbados, Dominica, Grenada and Saint Lucia, and solar irrigation in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
  • Provided financial support for the observance of the first International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste in 2020, and contributed in advocacy and awareness raising through the organization of a special event in Spain
  • Training sessions promoting good post-harvest handling practices and climate smart agriculture through the use of renewable energy in food production and processing allowed participants to reduce their carbon footprints by at least 15 percent.

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