Conservation Agriculture


News - In the small village of Betano, nestled in the lush landscapes of central Timor-Leste, a simple dispute over a humble legume has caused a quiet revolution to take root.
News - Opening the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, urged for new solutions and smarter ways to produce more food with less, and stressed that without a healthy environment, there are no healthy foods.
News - Growing up on a small farm in India, Dr. Rattan Lal experienced much of the hardship faced by today’s smallholder farmers. His family didn’t have running water or electricity, but he explains, “We never missed it because that was the way everybody lived.” As a farmer, his father struggled with irrigation challenges and the related issue of saline soil, both of which Lal later realised could be remedied by improving drainage of the land. But it wasn’t until after years of studying that he began to understand and teach the world about the fundamental role of soil.
News - Today, more than ever, digital agriculture is streamlining efficiency and productivity. But in Africa, many people do not have access to agricultural tools and equipment to improve their yields and reduce heavy labour. These tools, digital and non-digital, need to be available to farmers.   “Agricultural mechanization and innovation need to be part of the equation,” says Josef Kienzle, an agricultural engineer and leader of FAO’s mechanization task team...
News - Programme We would kindly like to bring to your attention the outline of the 8WCCA programme. The first day of the Congress consists of various opening speeches in the plenary followed by a keynote speech on Benefits of CA to farmers, society and environment. This will be followed in the plenary by a farmers session, a private sector session and a public sector and civil society session. In the evening there will be an official Congress Reception. The second day comprises two parallel sessions addressing the two sub-themes: I) Successful experiences and learnings from Conservation Agriculture worldwide; and II) Farm and ecosystem...
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