Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 All countries or areas have official and formal designations, many of which are not well suited for use in statistical databases and publications, particularly in tabulations and graphs. These designations are therefore often simplified. The list of countries or areas... More
  The list of countries or areas includes the following descriptors: FAO multilingual country or area code (maximum 12 characters) used for statistical purposes. 3-alpha country or area code by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO Country codes) ... More
 International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2013. ISO 3166 Country Codes. [Cited 1 November 2020]. United Nations. Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (M49 standard). Statistical Services Branch, Statistics Division. New York, UN. [Cited 1 November 2020]. More
 Where statistics are transmitted there is a need for codes and the ISO has developed international standard codes for the representation of currencies and funds (ISO 4217). These codes are related to those developed by the ISO for geographical entities... More
 Time units The calendar year (Gregorian calendar, ISO 8601), i.e. the period between 1 January and 31 December, is the annual time unit normally used in fishery statistics. More
 Until recently the development at the international level of harmonized statistics on the number of fishers has been neglected. This is almost certainly due to the fact that, generally speaking, until about 20 years ago there was little effort at... More
 Fish, as a highly perishable commodity, often undergoes treatments which prolong its shelf life and quality as food. Fish is also a very widely traded commodity. When considering statistical aspects related to fish and fish products in the fishery industry... More
 FAO. Reference data for commodities (.csv file). Open Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS). [Cited 1 November 2020]. United Nations. 1991. Provisional central product classification. Statistical Papers Series M, No. 77. New York, UN. 296pp. (also available at World Customs Organization... More
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