Passerelle sur la production laitière et les produits laitiers

Publications autres que celles de la FAO


Directives environnementales, sanitaires et sécuritaires pour la production animale (bétail)

Improving the reproductive management of dairy cattle subjected to artificial insemination

Improving the reproductive management of dairy cattle subjected to artificial insemination

Directives environnementales, sanitaires et sécuritaires pour le traitement des produits laitiers

Directives environnementales, sanitaires et sécuritaires pour le traitement des produits laitiers

Etat des lieux de la filière lait et produits laitiers au Sénégal

Etat des lieux de la filière lait et produits laitiers au Sénégal

More forage, more milk: Forage production for small-scale zero grazing systems

More forage, more milk: Forage production for small-scale zero grazing systems

Tropical dairy farming- Feeding management for small holder dairy farmers in the humid tropics

Tropical dairy farming- Feeding management for small holder dairy farmers in the humid tropics

The role of biotechnology in animal agriculture to address poverty in Africa: Opportunities and challenges

The role of biotechnology in animal agriculture to address poverty in Africa: Opportunities and challenges

Dairy development in Ethiopia

Dairy development in Ethiopia

Guidelines and recommendations for improving artificial breeding of cattle and buffalo in Asia

Guidelines and recommendations for improving artificial breeding of cattle and buffalo in Asia

Market mechanisms, efficiency, processing and public health risks in peri-urban dairy product markets: synthesis of findings from Ghana and Tanzania

Market mechanisms, efficiency, processing and public health risks in peri-urban dairy product markets: synthesis of findings from Ghana and Tanzania