Лесное хозяйство в засушливых регионах

Dryland Monitoring Week 2015

Rome, January 2015: FAO and partners World Resources Institute and IUCN, with funding support from GEF and EU-ACP, held back to back workshops on dryland monitoring and assessment  for sustainable management and livelihoods.

Workshop 1: Monitoring and Assessment of Drylands: Forests, Rangelands, Trees and Agrosilvopastroal Systems

Organized by FAO and World Resources Institute with support
from EU-ACP | 19-21 January

Workshop objectives

  • Assess the gap between the need and the current state of drylands monitoring
  • Explore the opportunities offered by new technology and policy commitment
  • Initiate a collaborative process to promote large-scale, comprehensive monitoring of drylands

Workshop 2: Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral systems

A project inception workshop, organized by FAO and IUCN with GEF support | 21-23 January

GEF has recently approved the global project Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral areas for which FAO will be the implementing agency.

Workshop objectives

  • Introduce the project
  • Agree on work plan and recommendations to be considered in the project design
  • Establish partnerships providing support during the project preparation period

All the presentation of the workshops are available here.