


There are a number of audio-visual materials in agriculture that are published by e-Agriculture (as webinar recordings and talks), and also in conjunction with partners. This section collects these recordings and those from our partners that are relevant to ICTs for agriculture.

Audio-visuals (generated mainly through Radio and video) are excellent ways of using ICTs for sharing experiences and good practices from projects in agriculture, forestry, fisheries or rural development with a large audience, and illiterate people.

Audio-visual material can describe and illustrate a good practice and transfer information in a very effective way, showing step-by-step what the experience is about. Audio-visual material can also be used for training beneficiaries of initiatives. In rural areas, illiteracy often remains high and bringing together moving images and sound is often the best way to enable farmers to learn about new techniques.

This audio-visual page brings together different types of audio-visual materials from different projects. If you would like to suggest a new audio-visual product for this page, please contact us .

e-Agriculture has selected audio-visual providers related to the use of ICTs and to agriculture. ​