
Posts on the topic "Audiences"

Posts on the topic "Audiences"

  • FAO ‘AI and Digital Tools for Climate Resilient Agri-Food Systems’ on the spotlight at the Science and Innovation Forum 2023

    The global agricultural sector is facing unprecedented challenges due to the adverse effects of climate change. Erratic weather patterns, shifting precipitations, and rising temperatures are leading to crop failures, reduced yields, and increased vulnerability of food systems. To address these challenges and ensure food security for a growing population, there is a critical need to develop climate-resilient agri-food systems that can adapt to changing environmental conditions. In this challenging context, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is taking bold action...
  • Call for Innovative Digital Solutions for agriculture (Apply by 8th of June 2023)

    Background Land and water resources in NENA are limited and facing severe stress. Climate change projections suggest more drought and extreme events. A transformative approach is needed to support agricultural production system to become more productive and sustainable to address these challenges. An increase in innovative approaches, use of digital technologies, effective partnerships and building human capital are key to respond to the impacts of climate change and sustain food systems. Digital agriculture has the potential to help smallholder farmers become more resilient and improve their...
  • Digital Villages in action in Europe and Central Asia - LAUNCH EVENT

    FAO in Europe and Central Asia (REU), along with its partners in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan , is taking action to accelerate the digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas through the Digital Villages Initiative (...
  • Digital Villages in action in Europe and Central Asia - LAUNCH EVENT

    THURSDAY, 18 MAY 2023 | Zoom | 09:30-12:00 (CEST) | English and Russian FAO in Europe and Central Asia (REU), along with its partners in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan , is taking action to accelerate the digital transformation...
    Posted by Veronika sherova on
  • Ensira: A Closer Look at an agroinnovation platform focused on young farmers.

    Through his radio show, Berhanu teaches about entrepreneurship and agriculture to more than 10 million people in the southern part of Ethiopia The Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) sub-programme for a Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs interviewed Boaz Berhanu, a remarkable young scientist from Ethiopia. He is the founder of Ensira, an agroinnovation platform that aims to help young farmers transform the agricultural industry by using universities as a place for transformation. Berhanu's passion for developing sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by farmers in...
  • 12th ICT4D Conference

    The global ICT4D community will gather again in person for the 12th ICT4D Conference in Accra, Ghana.Taking place on March 19 & 20, 2024 , the ICT4D Conference attracts a diverse audience of over 800 technical advisors, program managers, and executives at public, private, and civil society...
  • "DIGITAL IN ACTION” at WSIS forum 2023 FAO takes stock in agrifood systems transformation for SDGs achievement

    Digital technology applications can create significant economic, social, and environmental benefits and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including having a direct impact on smallholders and farmers. The 2023 edition of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD from the 13th to the 17th of March under the theme, “Action Lines for building back better and accelerating the achievement of the SDGs” concretely illustrated this vision through an intensive week of successful information exchanges...
  • Unleashing the potential of youth and women in the agri-preneurship with digitalization

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), started the sessions of the digital agriculture and innovation skills learning program and tools piloted with the representatives from groups of youth & women engaged in agri-preneurship across the country. The development process of this program was done through a working session that engaged eights experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Rwanda Development Board, Rwanda Information Society Authority , Rwanda...