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Dear participants, Welcome to this Online Forum on 'Gender, ICTs & Rural Livelihoods' The event will take place from 5-16 July 2010. You may now introduce yourself in this section by sharing a few lines about you with the rest of us! [color=red]You must signin first! Not yet registered? http://www.e-agriculture.org/regform2.html Meet the Forum Team and Subject Matter Experts leading the discussions! http://www.e-agriculture.org/652.html Stay up to date! Follow e-Agriculture on.. [color=purple]Twitter http://twitter.com/e_agriculture and [color=purple]Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/e-Agricultureorg/133387906674204?ref=ts [email protected]
Sameera Wijerathna
Sameera WijerathnaDialog Axiata PLCSri Lanka

. Hi All Looks like I am the first to register on the forum! I am Sameera Wijerathna, Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Activist in Sri Lanka. Hoping to learn and share knowledge with you all. Cheers Sameera. ICT4D in Sri Lanka .

Hello everybody, My name is Sophie Treinen, I work for the Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) as Information and Knowledge Management Officer and I am based in Rome. The topic of this forum is of high interest to me as gender has been part of my work since the 90's and ICTs since I have joined FAO. I hope we will all learned from each other during the discussions. Best regards Sophie :D

JAMES OLUWAGBEMIGA OYESOLAMinistry of AgricultureNigeria

I am a Chief Agric. Officer.E- agric is just coming up and will be introduced to the ministry of Agric. Ogun State Government Soon.

Hello, I am Alessandra. I work on gender issues in participatory plant breeding focusing on empowerment and governance. I look at knowledge sharing approaches and tools to facilitate the participation of women farmers in agricultural development programmes. In 2008 we organised an International Farmers' Conference at ICARDA with a gender-sensitive approach to knowledge sharing. www.icarda.org/farmersconference

Judith Veldhuizen
Judith VeldhuizenIICDNetherlands

Dear all, My name is Judith Veldhuizen, I work as officer knowledge sharing at IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development - in The Netherlands. IICD is a non-profit foundation that specialises in information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for development. IICD is one of the partners in the GenARDIS small grants fund initiative. My work focuses on ehealth and gender & ICTs: harvesting and publishing our own on the ground experiences and monitoring global developments in those thematic areas. Looking forward to learn and share with each other. Kind regards, Judith IICD

matthew de Gale
matthew de GaleSANGONeTSouth Africa

Hi All I work for SANGONeT -a 22 year old NGO focusing on ICTs in the develoment sector, and based in Johannesburg South Africa. Until recently I was the ICT services Manager. I have just been appointed the project manager of an m-agriculture project to be implemented in Zambia and East Africa. We will be working with existing Agricultural support programmes in horticulture and dairy, designing and implementing mobile solutions that aim to increase the efficiency of the programmes, and ultimately to raise incomes of small-holder farmers. Figuring out whether increased use of mobile tech is likely have a bias for or against increased participation of women farmers is a key part of the project, and something we're designing for right now. Yours Matthew

Hello I am called Maureen Agena and I am a Citizen Journalist, new media enthusiast and trainer. I am the information and Networking officer of Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET),a non-governmental organization whose Mission is to promote and support the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among women and women organizations in Uganda. I currently moderates the dgroup for Citizen Journalists in Uganda. My passion for new media and community development earned me an opportunity to work as a Remote intern for the "ICT and Innovation programme" at The technical centre of Agriculture and rural cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), Netherlands. I am so happy to finally join you all for this online forum. Regards :)

[quote="JVeldhuizen"] I am so interested in the ehealth you have mentioned.

Rosemond Ohene
Rosemond OheneFMSLMultimediaGhana

My name is Rosemond Ohene and i work with a radio station in Ghana (Rite fm) that focuses on agriculture as a project development manager. i am into developing agricultural programs for the station. I am so glad to be a part of this learning program. I believe we will all enjoy learning from each other. Best Regards!

Mohamed Alasow
Mohamed AlasowShimoni Farm Company Kenya

Hello, My name is Mohamed Alasow, I am working as a consultant with the Research Center for Communication Development and Knowledge Management (CCDKM), an academic institution in Thailand I am involved in the CCDKM efforts to support the rural telecenter development in Thailand in collaboration with the MICT and other stakeholders. Nice to be part of this important forum, that might pave the way for the active participation of female in ICT projects from onset as well as involvement of other focus groups like the rural people, the urban poor and the uneducated. Best wishes Mohamed