
Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia

Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia


Call for good practices in the field of digital agriculture 4 November 2020 – 11 January 2021

The International Telecommunication Union Regional Offices for Europe and CIS, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia are calling for innovative digital solutions advancing transformation in agriculture in Europe and Central Asia.

This call is the first phase of the regional contest entitled “Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia”, aiming at collecting good practices in the field of digital agriculture and providing a mechanism for identifying proven solutions, outstanding initiatives, and successful projects and programmes across the regions to award them with special recognition of Digital Excellence in Agriculture.

To qualify, the good practice shall have proven successful in addressing at least one of the following challenges:

  1. Regulatory frameworks/ Enhanced market access/ Financial services and insurance;
  2. Capacity development and empowerment;
  3. Agriculture innovations systems and sustainable farming;
  4. Disaster risk management and early warning systems;
  5. Food loss and waste / Food safety and traceability.

This call will empower individuals and organizations applying innovative methods of ICTs to showcase solutions and best practices in response to the agriculture challenges of Europe and Central Asia. Shortlisted candidates will have the opportunity to present their innovations and outstanding achievements at the “Digital Excellence in Agriculture” online awarding ceremony (February-March 2021). Furthermore, submissions to this call will qualify to compete for the ITU's World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) 2021 awards.

                                                Apply HERE and before January 11, 2021

The regional contest will follow six phases:

  1. Submission of good practices from 4 November until 11 January 2021;
  2. Nomination of outstanding practices in the course of January 2021;
  3. Production of a stocktaking report including all good practices received;
  4. Selection of the finalists and awardees;
  5. Production of a special promotional video focusing on outstanding good practices as well as the production of the Digital Excellence in Agriculture report;
  6. Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia” online awarding ceremony (February-March 2021).

This regional contest is in follow up of a joint FAO-ITU Study on the Status of Digital Agriculture in 18 Countries of Europe and Central Asia, where information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been clearly observed to play an emerging role in Europe and Central Asia in the field of agriculture.

This call will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda set by the United Nations, and in particular SGD 2 “Zero Hunger”, in order to contribute to close the digital, rural and gender divides, known as the triple divide and include all members of society in the digital transition. The contest is also an important milestone in the implementation of the ITU and FAO Regional Initiatives.

Read more about the ITU Regional Initiatives for Europe and for CIS.

Read more about the FAO Regional Initiatives for Europe and Central Asia.

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