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<font size=5>At 09:00 27/09/2011, you wrote:
The recent 8th EFITA Conference in Prague
<a href="http://www.efita2011.cz/index.php?idScript=29" eudora="autourl">
</a>dedicated a Keynote to the Impact of Technological Innovations. In
several sessions&nbsp; various <br>
aspects of information-providing mobile systems were presented and
discussed. An aspect<br>
of particular interest included the impact Social Network
information-exchanging (Facebook?) <br>
have on Agricultural Productivity. This facet specifically under the
title: <br>
<b>Collaborative platforms and Social Media for Agriculture.<br>
The format was a query: <br>
</font><font size=5 color="#000080"><i>Are Social Networks A
Technological Upgrade or a Paradigm Shift?<br><br>
</i></b></font><font size=5>This&nbsp; questions and findings in this
Indian study add universal clarity to the issues as <br>
discussed in Prague - issues such as:
<li>What kind of information <b><u>do farmers value</u></b> the most to
improve agricultural productivity?
<li><b><u>Do mobile phones</u></b> and mobile-enabled agricultural
services<b> <u>have an impact</u></b> on agriculture?
<li><b><u>What are the factors that impede</u></b> realization of the
full productivity enhancing potential of mobile phones?.
<li><b><u>What are the interrelations</u></b> between mobile phones
(social networks), agricultural productivity and social factors? </font>
</ul><font size=4><b>best<br>
Ehud Gelb, <br>
Center for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel<br><br>
</b><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">• New comment : <i>India-
Impact of mobile phones<br>
• Published on <b>| </b>Publicado el <b>|</b> Publié le: <i>27/09/2011 -
• <b>surabhi75 </b>wrote <br><br>
<i>Â This might be of interest.<br>
ICRIER WP 246. Socio Economic Impact of Mobile Phone son Indian
Agriculture- Surabhi Mittal, Sanjay Gandhi and Gaurav
Tripathi.<a href="http://www.icrier.org/page.asp?MenuID=24&amp;SubCatId=175&amp;SubSubCatI...
We need to be clear about the objective or purpose of delivering
agriculture/ extension information to the farmers. The programmes or
models through which this information is delivered, it is important for
them to run their system efficiently and thus through a regular internal
process they keep a close watch on if the information is being delived
and how to improve the delivery. On the other hand it is also important
to see if the information that farmers receive has any impact on their
socio-economic conditions. Anectodal evidences from various earlier
studies in India and South Asia (including mine ICRIER WP 246) has proven
this fact. But the big question remains if actually a critical mass of
farming community expecially the small farmers surviving on subsistence
agriculture - mainly cereal based economy able to benefit from this
information? How have they use <br><br>
Surabhi Mittal<br><br>
<font size=4>Dr. Ehud Gelb<br>
Center for Agricultural Economic Research<br>
9 Hagalil St.,Rehovot, 76601, Israel<br>
tel: +972 8 9411677, fax: +972 8 9417882<br>
mobile: +972 52 4459721<br>
skype: ehud.gelb</font> </body>