
Invitation to the e-consultation on ‘Youth Employment in Africa as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa’

Invitation to the e-consultation on ‘Youth Employment in Africa as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa’

The e-Agriculture Community is invited to participate to the ‘Youth Employment in Africa as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa’ online discussion hosted on FSN Forum Africa. Members in Africa and/or who work or are knowledgeable to the issues under debate are welcome to participate.

The discussion is part of the conference "Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship".

This online discussion is held to collect views around the three major thematic areas of the conference and via this online discussion youth engaged in agriculture are provided with an opportunity to share experiences, success stories, lessons learnt, and good practices of youth led entrepreneurship and digital innovations in agriculture.

Your contributions, views and experiences are solicited in replying to the following questions:-

1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector

How would you describe your experience as an Africa youth engaged in the agriculture sector in your country? What motivated you to engage into the agriculture sector?

2. Major Achievements and Success Stories

What have been your major achievements? Do you have any experience or innovative ways that have helped you in your work that you would want to share? Do you have a success story – either your own or any other that you are aware of - of youth engaged in agriculture in your country? What is the story?

3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address

If given an opportunity, what question would you ask the experts at the Rwanda Youth conference on each of the three sub-themes – a). Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, b). Digital Innovation to Overcome Agriculture Value-Chain Constraints, and c). Future of Work in Rural Economy - of the conference?

To participate click here