
Call for Digital Technology Innovations for Resilience in Asia by FHI360


Call for Digital Technology Innovations for Resilience in Asia by FHI360

FHI360 is currently looking for people willing to share information on the deployment of any digital technology innovation that is - or has the potential to enable individuals, communities or systems to be more resilient. FHI360 is interested to collect information on a wide range of digital technologies such as: mobile-based communications, sensor technologies, gaming, big data applications, etc.

Submissions will be compiled into an inventory of innovations that will be published and shared with the development community as a reference. Outstanding innovations might also be selected to present their project at a conference on innovations and resilience that will be organized in Bangkok or receive targeted technical support to scale the innovations. 

FHI360 is working with the Rockefeller Foundation in association with the Gobal Resilience Partnership.

Innovations can be submitted by completing the following form before the 24th of March 2017

For more information please contact Josh Woodard from FHI360 - [email protected]



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