Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Social protection and the financial inclusion of rural women in family farming in Latin America

Several governments in the region have implemented a set of interventions aimed at complementing large-scale cash transfer programmes. This has led to significant progress in the provision of protection to vulnerable women and strengthening their economic autonomy. In Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, cash transfer programmes have been complemented by other interventions with the aim to financially include women and enable them to participate in more economically productive activities. To promote women’s economic autonomy, these programmes undertake capacity development on financial literacy to build knowledge and expertise by inducting users on the basics of the cash modality. Mrs Bustamante Suárez mentioned the importance of a special emphasis placed on indigenous women, and incentivising their participation by offering training in their native languages.

ISSN: 2318-9118
Автор: Bettina Gatt
Организация: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)
Год: 2017
Географический охват: Соо́бщество стра́н Лати́нской Аме́рики и Кари́бского бассе́йна (CELAC)
Категория: Политический обзор/документ
Язык контента: English

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