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Traditional Olive Grove in Amfissa, Greece

The olive grove of Amfissa is a traditional, non-aligned cultivation of olive trees in Central Greece. Trees are very old  - 70% of them are more than 150 years old - they have deep pleats on their trunks and a well-developed crown and, in some cases, they are over 10 metres tall.

What makes this olive grove unique is the fact that it comprises the main landscape feature of the world cultural heritage archeological site of Delphi e.g. the historical path towards the oracle of Delphi passes through the olive grove. There was, therefore, a pressing need to protect both the form of the olive trees and certain landscape features, such as «traphia», connected to farming management practices used by local farmers.

The current Action comprises a two (2) year-long extension of the already five (5) year-long existing contracts from the previous Rural Development Programme (3rd Programming Period)

Автор: National Rural Network
Год: 2015
Страна/страны: Greece
Категория: Статья
Язык контента: English

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