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ICARDA annual report 2014

As part of our larger strategy to adapt smallholders in drylands to climate change, ICARDA’s science has sharpened its focus on producing more with less in irrigated and agropastoral systems, and sustainably intensifying cereal-based rain-fed production systems through research platforms in Egypt, Ethiopia and Morocco.

ISSN: 92-9127-290-6
Издатель: International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Организация: International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Год: 2014
Страна/страны: Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Türkiye
Географический охват: Африки, Азии и Тихого океана, Европы и Центральной Азии, Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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