Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

2016 Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation (YALESI 2016)

Youth employment and hunger are two key issues that have been impacted by the economic crisis. This is particularly true for youth living in developing countries, representing 85% of the world youth. In an attempt to address these issues, the Global Youth Innovation Network, GYIN, has initiated its second Global Youth Summit called the 2016 Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation (YALESI 2016). The summit will prioritize young people’s needs, considering their developmental needs, and including underserved populations, such as girls, to an effective and inclusive employment strategy. The summit, representing over 100 countries, will give its participants the tools to learn and share how young women and men, especially in rural areas, are increasingly acquiring new capacities and developing innovative solutions to transform themselves as Hunger Fighters, Job Creators, Innovators, and Change Agents. Youth participants and partner organizations will present proven innovative agribusiness and entrepreneurship practices by sharing their knowledge, expertise, challenges and success stories.

 29/03/2016 - 01/04/2016
Место: Dakar, Senegal
Организация: Global Youth Innovation Network
Год: 2016
Страна/страны: Senegal
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Мероприятие
Полный текст: http://yalesi.org/about-us/#more-6
Язык контента: English

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