Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Food versus the Big City of Istanbul

Istanbul, like many other cities, is under heavy pressure from urban development projects. In the face of this threat, the DÜRTÜK collective supports small scale farmers in and around Istanbul by organising reliable demand for the produce from urban gardens, and by building a supportive community around them. This initiative not only provides urban residents with local and fairly priced vegetables, but is also a line of defence against the destruction of the city’s historic vegetable gardens and a space of action in Istanbul’s violent, paralysing atmosphere.

Title of publication: Farming Matters
Автор: Sevgi Ortaç
Организация: ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Год: 2017
Страна/страны: Türkiye
Географический охват: Европы и Центральной Азии
Категория: Статья информационного бюллетеня
Язык контента: English

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