Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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The information on the members of the FFKP Network is provided by the members themselves. FAO is not responsible for its accuracy, nor for any use of such information by users.

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ONG Education Amour Et Developpement en Cote d'Ivoire

Non-governmental organization
EDUCAD-CI pour role principale la promotion de l'éducation et du developpement en Cote d'Ivoire,la lutte contre l'injustice , la discrimination ...
Côte d'Ivoire


Civil society
READY To Help is an indigenous organization duly incorporated in Uganda in 2018 as company limited by guarantee registration number 80020000602587, and as NGO registration number INDR150583948NB, with Permit number INDP0003948NB. The organization has a dual mission to Save Lives, Alleviate Suffering, and Build Bridges for Social Entrepreneurship. The...

Karacelo agroecology farm Gulu

Community supported Agriculture CSA
We grow vegetables and fruits

The Flow Partnership

Non-governmental organization
The Flow Partnership is a UK based NGO, working with partners to rejuvenate landscapes and counter the increasing threat of floods, droughts, soil erosion, habitat loss at their source. They provide a crucial link between communities, government, business, scientists and landowners, empowering local communities to implement simple, low-cost landscape measures as part...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Center for food policies and agripreneurship

Research center
Recherche operationnelle et Plaidoyer

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

The Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) is a century-old educational institution nationally and internationally recognized. It is centered in Porto Alegre – the capital city of the State of Rio Grande do Sul – and it offers academic programs from...

Vista Volcanes

Farmers' organization
Ante el uso desmedido de insecticidas, Vista Volcanes ofrece una solución que sustituye el uso de insecticidas, mejorando el rendimiento de las cosechas hortícolas y frutales, creando redes sostenibles de pequeños, medianos y grandes productores con una herramienta que protege sus negocios en el corto plazo, y les permite crecer...

Mongolian National Federation of Pasture User Groups

Non-governmental organization
NFPUG is a national level organization with 80 thousand members. The NFPUG has 81.6 thousand members, of which 80.0 thousand are herder households, 1445 pasture user groups (PUGs), 156 Soum association pasture user groups (APUGs), 18 Aimag federation of pasture user groups (AFEDs), 87 marketing and credit and saving cooperatives...

Akademi Rakyat Mandiri Pangan

Farmer Field School
Provide education and assistant to farmer and group of farmers


Non-governmental organization
HOUSE OF NATIONAL FARMERS (HONF-GHANA) The House of National Farmers with the adopted acronym HONF was incorporated under the companies code 1963, Act 179 on 26th November, 2018. The idea for the formation of the HONF was mooted by a team of development change – makers, social entrepreneurs, business innovators who...

Coopérative agropastorale-kiriou

La coopérative agropastorale kiriou œuvre dans l'agriculture et l'élevage en vue de lutte contre l'insécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté au Tchad.

Programa +Algodón

International Organization
Para impulsar el desarrollo sostenible de la cadena algodonera en la región, el Gobierno de Brasil, por medio de la Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (ABC/MRE), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO) y siete países socios - Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador,...

Federación de Prosumidores Agroecológicos AGROSOLIDARIA Nariño Colombia

Civil society
Red agroalimentaria de comercio Justo, agricultura familiar, finanzas comunitarias y turismo rural comunitario. AgroSolidaria es un proceso autogestionado de organización comunitaria orientado a construir una Comunidad Económica Solidaria de los renglones Agroalimentario, Artesanal y del Turismo Sostenible.

Mkono Multipurpose Youth Organisation

Non-governmental organization
MUMYO is for youth empowerment, with activities in Lobbying and advocacy, Education(formal and none formal) Health (community health), Agriculture and Environment protection.

Enveve SA

We are a private sector company in digital agriculture, InsurTech and digital decisions support

Instituto para la Familia Rural

El Instituto para la Familia Rural de la Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia, se creó con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo económico, social y cultural de la familia rural, de la mujer y jóvenes rurales, para lograr el desarrollo sostenible de nuestros territorios.


International Organization
Welthungerhilfe is one of Germany's largest private aid agencies. It offers integrated aid from rapid disaster aid to reconstruction and long-term development cooperation projects in conjunction with local partner organisations based on the principle of help towards self help. The India programme works in five main areas that contribute to...

Regeneration International

Non-governmental organization
In June 2015, about 60 people from 21 nations, representing businesses, the farming and scientific communities, educational institutions, policymakers and NGOs, convened in Costa Rica to draw up a blueprint for an international movement united around a common goal: to reverse global warming and end world hunger by facilitating and...
United States of America

Asociación Consumidores Orgánicos

Non-governmental organization
Organización social que promueve campañas por la salud, la justicia ambiental, la soberanía alimentaria, la agricultura orgánica, el comercio justo y el combate al cambio climático a través de proyectos regenerativos. Surgimos a iniciativa de Organic Consumers Association (OCA), que lleva más de 10 años trabajando en Estados Unidos en...

Vía Orgánica

Non-governmental organization
Organización mexicana sin fines de lucro, cuya misión es promover la soberanía alimentaria mediante una agricultura orgánica, el comercio justo, un estilo de vida saludable y la protección del planeta. Cuenta con un rancho-escuela en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, donde realiza prácticas de agroforestería, ganadería y reproducción de aves de...
Total results:879