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Eco Ruralis

Civil society
Eco Ruralis was founded in April of 2009 in Cluj-Napoca by small farmers from several regions of the country. It is a grassroots association made up of small farmers who practice organic and traditional farming based on environmentally-conscious principles.

Economic & Social Development Center of Palestine

Non-governmental organization
ESDC is a Palestinian development-oriented NGO with vast experiences in the both development and humanitarian cooperation. Within the development cooperation, ESDC is a well-recognized at the national level for their work in developing and building the capacities of cooperatives and the cooperative sector. Not only does ESDC build the institutional...
Gaza Strip

Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment

Non-governmental organization
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) is an indigenous organization founded and owned by grassroots women in Uganda. The organization came into existence in 1998 out of felt need. Although the period spanning 1986-1990 saw a proliferation of women NGOs the majority were national level. They engaged in...

Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies

The African Institute for Agrarian Studies (AIAS) is an independent policy research institution committed to the development of agrarian systems that enhance equitable land rights and sustainable land uses throughout Africa.
Total results:64
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