








Ceibal Asociación Civil

Non-governmental organization
Promover el desarrollo económico y social de las personas y comunidades de menores recursos económicos de la República Argentina y otros países de América Latina a través de la implementación de programas de desarrollo que brinden oportunidades.

Kisankarkeela Organization

Farmers' organization
small farmer right sustainable agriculture livehood cliamate change food security gender justices advocacy and research

Alternatives Durables pour le développement (ADD)

Non-governmental organization
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD) est une Association sans but lucratif créée en 1996 par des jeunes camerounais mus par le désir de faire oeuvre utile à la société. La mission de l’association est d’accompagner de manière participative et durable les initiatives d’autopromotion des couches de populations les plus...

Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN)

Civil society
The Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN) was established in 2012. The Network is comprised of 27 members (NGOs, farmers organizations, CSOs) that seek to strengthen their respective capacities, complement each other and amplify their collective voices to influence land and agrarian policies and programmes in Zimbabwe. The...


Development Agency
To develop customized agriculture technology and seeds, through exchange of field experience and knowledge with our researchers and the researchers of the associate countries.

Association of Farmers Educators and Traders

Farmers' organization
The Association of Farmers, Educators and Traders is the oldest farmer base membership organisation in the Gambia, established in the early 1980s. AFET was registered in 1989 as a Charitable Organisation (registration No: 68/2004 and is therefore, legally recognized by the Government of the Gambia. Its office is located in...

Feeding Futures

Non-governmental organization
FF works with school communities in the Nakruru district of Kenya, bringing both immediate and long-lasting food security by combining school meal provision and sustainable agricultural training.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Indonesian National Committee for Family Farming (Komite Nasional Pertanian Keluarga Indonesia)

Civil society
The Indonesian National Committee for Family Farming (KNPK) was established in July 2014 in line with the celebration of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF 2014). It is an inclusive organization, consists of 13 national organization, as follows: small farmers organization, small scale fishers organization, farmers women organization, youth,...

Agence Belge de Développement

Development Agency
Enabel is the Belgian development agency. We support development projects across the globe to eradicate poverty. Doing so, we help build a world where women and men live under the rule of law, have equal access to quality public services and are free to pursue their aspirations.

Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola

Non-governmental organization
Institución privada sin fines de lucro, dedicada a la generación, validación y transferencia de tecnología en cultivos tradicionales y no tradicionales, para mercado interno y externo.

Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales

Research center
En el ICAR desarrollamos investigación científica de calidad, contribuyendo a la formación y consolidación de investigadores y profesionales con conocimientos del más alto nivel como un elemento fundamental en el conocimiento profundo de las ciencias agropecuarias y rurales e incidir en el bienestar social de las comunidades rurales. Somos un espacio...

Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum

Farmers' organization
The Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF) is a member of the East and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) and La Via Campesina (LVC) that envisions improved livelihoods of organized and empowered smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe practicing sustainable and viable ecological agriculture. Its mission statement is to influence policies...

Instituto Maniva

Non-governmental organization
Is a network of chefs, Ecochefs, which mission us to add value to small holders, through comunnication, promotion, networking and advocacy. We also have the mission of promoting food education, and to protect brazilian gastronomic biodiversity,

Aide au développement de l'agriculture

Farmer Field School
- Promouvoir la Gestion Intégrée des Ravageurs des Cultures par les CEPs - Développement des Capacités des Facilitateurs et des Producteurs

Plateforme d'Action Nationale pour l'Agriculture Familiale en Côte d'Ivoire

Civil society
La Plateforme d’action nationale pour l’agriculture familiale en Côte d'Ivoire (PANAFCI) est née en janvier 2013. Un Comité national composé de neuf (09) a été élu pour piloter les activités au niveau national. La PANAFCI croit au développement durable des systèmes alimentaires basés sur l’Agriculture familiale. Elle s’est donnée pour mission...
Côte d'Ivoire

Mercado Alternativo de Tlalpan

Civil society
El Mercado Alternativo de Tlalpan ofrece un espacio de convivencia en donde l@s productor@s pueden comercializar sin necesidad de acudir con intermediarios abusivos que retienen la mayor parte de las ganancias e imponen esquemas de pago y calidad poco transparentes y equitativos. El mercado nació en septiembre del año 2013. Fue...

The Assosiation For Urban Farming LTD CC

Non-governmental organization
A non-profit NGO based in Tel Aviv, working to build urban farming into a tool for every person, space, and city. Through urban farming, we can bring healthy food from 200 meters away instead of 2000 kilometers away. By farming in the city, food becomes affordable for everyone, regardless of...

Fiavotra Mada

Civil society
Association à but non lucratif oeuvrant dans le développement rural en appuyant une soixantaine de ménages ruraux entre autres pour élever des zébus et des poulets gasy, pour gérer des cantines scolaires, pour mener des mémoires de fin d'études en Stevia rebaudiana

National Committee for Family farming Macedonia

Non-governmental organization
The NCFF in Macedonia aims to to be strong democratic and legitimate actor doing advocacy for family farming.
North Macedonia

Small and Family Farming Network Japan

Civil society
Small and Family Farming Network Japan (SFFNJ) is a supporter of the campaign of the UN Decade of Family Farming in Japan. This network was established in 2017 and it is composed by individuals and organizations of farmers, civil society, consumer cooperatives, and academia who want to position small and family...
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