








Small and Family Farming Network Japan

Civil society
Small and Family Farming Network Japan (SFFNJ) is a supporter of the campaign of the UN Decade of Family Farming in Japan. This network was established in 2017 and it is composed by individuals and organizations of farmers, civil society, consumer cooperatives, and academia who want to position small and family...

Women Unlimited

Non-governmental organization
OUR VISION To attain economic emancipation, social freedom, balance and equitable representation for all women and marginalised groups in Swaziland and Southern Africa. OUR MISSION  We exist to contribute to social and economic development of the communities and the country through developing, supporting and implementing programmes and projects to address the...

Red Mundial de Jóvenes Profesionales para el Desarrollo Agrario - Nodo Perú

Non-governmental organization
YPARD es un movimiento internacional hecho por y para jóvenes profesionales para el desarrollo agrícola, el cual fue creado hace 10 años durante el Foro Global para la Investigación Agrícola (GFAR). YPARD nace de los desafíos que enfrentan los jóvenes profesionales para el desarrollo del sector y la necesidad de...

Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Programme

Non-governmental organization
SACDEP trains smallholder farmers in principles and practices of Sustainable Agriculture for wealth creation.

Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar

Civil society
La CPM est une plateforme des organisations paysannes créee en 2001. Elle couvre les 22 régions de Madagascar avec un effectif de 19590 paysans, regroupés dans 252 Union des organisations paysannes (soit 2240 organisations paysannes de base). La raison d'être de la CPM est de défendre les droits et les...

Fundación Comunativa

Non-governmental organization
El objetivo de la Fundación es recuperar la esperanza a través de la agricultura familiar, en especial niñas, niños, madres cabeza de hogar y adultos mayores de nuestra comuna.

Unión Campesina de Los Arroyos AC

Civil society
Somos una ONG sin fines lucrativos dedicados a promover el Desarrollo Rural

Farmers' Integrated Development Association

Non-governmental organization
Farmers’ Integrated Development Association (FIDA) is an emerging South Punjab based people-centered development organization with a vision “Socio-economic empowerment of deprived people to exercise their civil rights and lead a dignified existence”. FIDA directly engages with communities, implements Integrated Sustainable Rural Development and promotes citizen participation in rural governance combined...

Coopérative AgroEcologique du Kivu

La coopérative Agro Ecologique du Kivu, COOPAEKI en sigle, est une coopérative agricole à but lucratif crée en mars 2015 dans le groupement de Mushinga, territoire de Walungu, en province du Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo. C’est à l’occasion d’une évaluation des activités faite par l’ONG SAMWAKI...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Farhat Farms

Civil society
Family Farmer - Olive Orchard

Huertos saludables

Civil society
Su objetivo es capacitar en temas relacionados con huertos familiares.
Costa Rica

West and Central Africa Prolinnova Platform

Civil society
PROLINNOVA (PROmoting Local INNOVAtion in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management) est un réseau international de Plateformes Multipartites (PMP) impliquées dans des processus de promotion de l’innovation locale d’une agriculture et d’une gestion des ressources naturelles (GRN) écologiquement et durablement orientées. Il a pour vision globale de contribuer à...

Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network

International Organization
The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) is a pan-African network that provides independent evidence to inform policy processes at national and regional levels. FANRPAN’s membership includes food, agriculture and natural resources (FANR) related government departments, parliamentarians, research and farmer organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and...
South Africa

Family Farming Platform - Sierra Leone

Civil society
1. To continue improving public policies in favour of Family Farming, focusing on advocacy for farmer’s access to local and regional markets, access to credit, access to appropriate technology, access to natural resources taking climate change into consideration, strengthening of family farmers’ organizations or communities, and the role of women and...
Sierra Leone

Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans frontières

Non-governmental organization
AVSF - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières is an officially recognized non-profit association that works for international solidarity and that has been engaged in supporting smallholder farming since 1977. AVSF reaches out to smallholder communities threatened by exclusion and poverty, offering them professional skills in agriculture, livestock farming, and animal health....

H2CI Alagoas Limited

International Organization
Implementing Agricultural, Educational, Research and Telemedicine projects across Northeastern Brazil and beyond. Our agricultural project portfolio includes the Agroecology Education Network for Women and Youth, BIABAR, Degraded Lands & Desert Regeneration, Farmer to Farmer, GMP Arrangements for the production and distribution of medicinal and herbal plants, Innovation & Technology Transfer,...

Revista Colombiana Ciencias Hortícolas

Research center
La Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas es el órgano de divulgación de la Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas-SCCH (adscrita a la ISHS - International Society for Horticultural Science); la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia-UPTC y la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio...

Cultivate Collective

Non-governmental organization
Cultivate! is an international collective that catalyses the transition to healthy food and farming rooted in agroecology. The name Cultivate! was inspired by our vision of food system transformation for healthy societies. We envision a world where biodiversity, a rich culture, fertile land and healthy communities are cultivated when we grow,...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Gaza Urban & Peri-urban Agriculture Platform

Civil society
The GUPAP was launched in 2013, fulfilling the need for a multi-stakeholder, interactive and participatory forum that brings together all key actors involved in the development of a resilient Palestinian urban agricultural sector in the Gaza Strip. The GUPAP’s vision is aligned with a broader vision of supporting a more...
Gaza Strip

Université Moulay Ismail

UMI's mission is contributing to the development of research programs and the definition of mechanisms and modalities for their implementation; carrying out research and experimentation programs; coordinate research activities on value chains and ecosystems; participate in the development of training and development plans for research purposes; promote research results and...
Total results:210