منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas. The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas

Best Practices Manual for integrating migrant workers into rural communities through socially sustainable agriculture

The agricultural sector across Europe faces a significant employment crisis, stemming from a dual challenge: a dearth of interest among domestic workers and a scarcity of skilled labour. Consequently, many countries rely on immigrant labour, predominantly from non-EU nations. Addressing the social, economic, and cultural integration of these workers necessitates tailored...
Austria - France - Greece - Italy - Spain
2024 - Migrants Labour Insertion in Multicultural Agricultural Teams

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe

In the last years, Agroecology Europe started to map agroecological initiatives in different countries or regions of Europe with the aim to support the development of agroecology in Europe, raise awareness for it and thereby strengthen agroecology in Europe. This work, namely the mapping of initiatives, writing of reports and coordination...
Albania - Austria - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Germany - Greece - Italy - Malta - Montenegro - North Macedonia - Romania
2023 - Agroecology Europe

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe - Volume 1

his first book volume collects country reports produced by the AE4EU Horizon 2020 project and the European Association Agroecology Europe which involved a large number of organisations, as well as more than 25 "mappers" who conducted the work in different European countries. Among them were many members of the Agroecology...
Albania - Austria - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Germany - Greece - Italy - Malta - Montenegro - North Macedonia - Romania
2023 - Isara Agro School for Life

Inspirational idea: Controlling wireworms in potato production

Austrian Operational Group looking for alternative, environmentally friendly control methods. Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles, cause major losses in potato production across Europe. The situation in recent years seems to be worsening due to climate change as Johannes Mayer, Austrian potato farmer explains: “Wireworm damage is more significant in drier...
2023 - EIP-AGRI

التّعلّم الإلكتروني
EUR-Organic: European Master in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems

The programme EUR-Organic follows a holistic approach involving all aspects of organic food systems. The students profit from the distinct research foci of the partner universities, which in turn are reflected in the diverse specialisations available for students participating in the programme. None of the partner universities alone can offer such a wide...
Austria - Denmark - France - Germany - Poland
2023 - University of Hohenheim (UHOH), Stuttgart, Germany University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW), Warsaw, Poland Aarhus University (AU), Aarhus, Denmark Institut supérieur d'agriculture et d'agroalimentaire Rhône-Alpes (ISARA-Lyon), Lyon, France

Development of agroecology in Austria and Germany - Webinar 28/03/2022

Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is important to enhance up and out-scaling of agroecology at the European level. Based on the AE4EU project (Agroecology for Europe https://www.ae4eu.eu), a mapping of agroecology in Austria and Germany in its different dimensions was achieved to provide...
Austria - Germany
2022 - AE4EU - Agroecology for Europe

Development of agroecology in Austria and Germany - Webinar 28/03/2022

Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is important to enhance and out-scaling of agroecology at the European level. Based on the AE4EU project (Agroecology for Europe https://www.ae4eu.eu), a mapping of agroecology in Austria and Germany in its different dimensions was achieved to provide an...
Austria - Germany
2022 - AE4EU - Agroecology for Europe

Europe needs family farms. Family farms in the Czech Republic need clear legislative support.

Family farms’ support by legislative measures should be a crucial step for EU countries to ensure food security and a healthy environment in Europe. Therefore, the International conference - Increasing legislative support for family farms in the EU focuses on Family Farm Legislation and family farm policy at the EU member states’ level.
Austria - Czechia - Hungary - Latvia - Lithuania - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Slovakia - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2022 - Czech Republic – Association of private farming of the Czech Republic

نشرة إخبارية
FiBL Newsletter October 2022

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL October 2022 Newsletter News highlighting FiBL’s research, training and advisory services
Austria - European Union - France - Germany - Switzerland
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Inspirational idea: Controlling wireworms in potato production

Austrian Operational Group looking for alternative, environmentally friendly control methods. Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles, cause major losses in potato production across Europe. The situation in recent years seems to be worsening due to climate change as Johannes Mayer, Austrian potato farmer explains: “Wireworm damage is more significant in drier...
2022 - Eip Agri Agriculture & Innovation

Evaluation study of the forestry measures under rural development

Austria is a country rich in forests, with almost 48% of its area covered by forests. Against this background, forests play a fundamental role for rural development, for the forest-based sector, and cross-sectoral cooperation such as tourism. Forests are a fundamental element for Austrian cultural landscapes and provide – beyond...
2018 - European Commission

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Organic farming in Austria is family farming

Organic farming in Austria has undergone various development phases, starting from the pioneer phase in the inter-war period and  a phase of institutionalisation between the 1970ies and the 1980ies when organic associations were founded and first regulations for the certification of organic products were established (Austrian Food Code). From the...
2016 - Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
New study seeks to identify needs of EU young farmers

Nearly 61% of EU young farmers consider the availability of land for purchase and 57% the availability of land for rent as the most difficult challenges they face, often due to issues such as land ownership laws, inheritance rules and land prices, according to a new external report published by...
Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Estonia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - European Commission

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Small scaled family farms in Austria

Due to the topographical circumstances – 70 % of the territory is categorized as mountain area – Austria’s agriculture is largely based on small scaled family farms. Average farm size is about 22 ha UAA and about 36 ha cultivated area including forest (2014). Corresponding to these figures, Austria clearly...
2016 - Bundesanstalt für Bergbauernfragen

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI) Project Launch

This project specifically aims at increasing local value-added of Armenian organic products as well as assisting higher efficiency of relevant public and private institutions. It will support the RA Ministry of Agriculture with creating a clear and enabling legal environment for organic producers and processors in line with international standards....
Armenia - Austria
2016 - Austrian Development Agency

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Support for Small Farmers

The Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI), a project funded by the European Union and co-funded and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), aims at further developing organic agriculture in Armenia. The initial success of the organic products on domestic and...
Armenia - Austria
2016 - Austrian Development Agency

European Rural Manifesto

A gathering of 240 people representing rural communities from 40 European countries, meeting at the second European Rural Parliament yesterday, approved an ambitious European Rural Manifesto. It called for full recognition of the right of rural communities to a quality of life and standard of living equal to that of...
2015 - European Rural Parliament

وثيقة عمل
European Rural Manifesto

A gathering of 240 people representing rural communities from 40 European countries, meeting at the second European Rural Parliament yesterday, approved an ambitious European Rural Manifesto. It called for full recognition of the right of rural communities to a quality of life and standard of living equal to that of...
2015 - European Rural Parliament

مقالة في مجلة
Winter Harvest: Supporting the Development of Organic Winter Growing

In Austria, apart from corn salads, hardly any organic vegetables are available during the winter from domestic production. As a result, most of the vegetables on sale are imported or grown through high-energy intensive production. To address this problem, a project has been developed called winter harvest: seasonal, energy-extensive and...
2015 - IFOAM EU Group
Total results:37
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