منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Training highlights the effectiveness of combining digital extension with youth entrepreneurship to support farmers in Madagascar

Twenty Rural Advisory Services (RAS) facilitators took part in a training workshop, 8-12 July 2024 in Miandrivazo, Menabe Region in Madagascar, which brought to their attention how Access Agriculture is combining digital extension with youth entrepreneurship to support farmers in adopting agroecological practices.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Advancing agrobiodiversity: why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

Agrobiodiversity is the subset of biodiversity found within agricultural ecosystems. It feeds us with nutrients vital to our health. It fuels and furnishes our homes. It underpins cultural traditions. It sustains farm productivity in the face of climate change. But agrobiodiversity is rapidly being lost.  Just three crops account for half...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Youths in Madagascar empowered with digital and entrepreneurial skills

Twelve participants from Madagascar, including four newly recruited Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) team members, took part in a 3-day programme designed to enhance their skills in providing agricultural extension and rural advisory services using digital tools. The programme was organised as part of the GIZ-funded Knowledge Centre for Organic...
2024 - Access Agriculture

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Getting up to speed with Access Agriculture resources: Master trainers in Madagascar undergo training

As part of the ‘Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP) Project implementation in Madagascar, a Master Trainers’ training programme was held from 29 April to 3 May 2024 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Sowing Sustainability: Agroecology and sustainable land management in synergy

Global food systems grapple with challenges that demand urgent attention and innovative solutions. The world’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, with significant growth in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, implying more pressure on agricultural land, water resources and food production systems. Increasing urbanisation, leading to the...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Ethiopia - India - Kenya - Madagascar - Tunisia
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

دراسة حالة
Enhancing agrobiodiversity in smallholder agroforestry systems in Madagascar

This agrobiodiversity case study (No.3) from Madagascar is the third of six case studies prepared by forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) for the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF). It describes the actions of the Analamanga Regional Branch of the National Platform for Women, Sustainable Development and Food Security (Antenne Régionale...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

وثيقة فنية
Accompagner l’installation des jeunes sortants des collèges agricoles Fekama

Cette publication revient sur le dispositif d’accompagnement d’insertion des jeunes sortis des collèges agricoles mis en place par Fifata à Madagascar. Elle met en avant son fonctionnement et ses réussites, les clés de son fonctionnement et s’interroge aussi sur sa pérennité.
2023 - L'Institut Agro Montpellier

دراسة حالة
Sustainable food systems multi-stakeholder mechanisms: contributions to the environmental agenda

Food systems are major contributors, but also critically vulnerable, to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The food sector uses more natural resources than any other sector, which means that the way in which food systems are governed has direct consequences for how natural resources...
Belgium - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - France - India - Madagascar - United States of America
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

مقالة إخبارية
What’s New, Webby?

Coast 2 Coast
From November 2021 to January 2023, throughout the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022), Coast 2 Coast (C2C), a Peruvian community-based nonprofit, collaborated with rural educators and young learners from public schools, nonprofits, and social welfare centers located in inland and coastal small-scale fishing villages in Peru,...
India - Madagascar - Nigeria - Peru
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

وثيقة عمل
The unsung giants of climate and nature investment: Insights from an international survey of local climate and nature action by smallholder forest and farm producers

In this working paper, we present the findings of a survey of more than 1,800 farmers across 13 different countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The survey suggests that smallholder forest and farm producers (those who manage 10 hectares or less of land) are investing on average 20-40% of...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - China - Ecuador - Ghana - Kenya - Liberia - Madagascar - Mexico - Nepal - Togo - United Republic of Tanzania - Viet Nam - Zambia
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
La Formation par apprentissage, une offre adaptée aux contextes des jeunes ruraux malgaches

Massifier la formation agricole et rurale (FAR) des jeunes et contribuer à la rénovation dusystème de FAR national, tels sont les objectifs du programme FORMAPROD, mis en œuvredans 13 régions de Madagascar depuis le début des années 2010. Sa spécificité ?Miser notamment sur la formation par apprentissage.
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Madagascar signs new ‘sustainable’ tuna deal with the EU

Foreign tuna fishing companies, mostly from Asia, have been exploiting Madagascar’s waters since the 1950s. The bloc that is now the European Union joined the hunt in 1986 and didn’t stop for decades, renewing its deal with Madagascar every few years. Yet when the last Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA), as...
European Union - Madagascar

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
How community-designed solutions take pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest, spur food production

Health In Harmony (HIH), an international nonprofit organisation through its community-designed solutions approach has introduced sustainable farming practices among local farmers and reduce reliance on logging for income further easing pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest.
2023 - https://farmersreviewafrica.com

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Madagascar: l'agro-écologie, un modèle pour arriver à l'autonomie alimentaire ?

A Madagascar, se nourrir devient un défi de tous les jours pour la majorité de la population. Pourtant ce ne sont pas les surfaces cultivables qui manquent sur l’île. Mais l’accès limité à l’eau dans certaines régions, l’enclavement des zones agricoles et les sols qui s’appauvrissent sont autant d’obstacles au...

Creating resilient livelihoods for youth in small-scale food production

A collection of projects to support young people in achieving sustainable and resilient livelihoods and food security
This publication showcases initiatives that have been successfully implemented to help youth build resilience in the agrifood system, despite the severe consequences of climate change and formidable social and economic challenges. It aims to inspire potential policies and programmes by portraying key needs, challenges and initiatives, as well as lessons...
Afghanistan - Brazil - Colombia - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Kenya - Madagascar - Senegal - Thailand - Uganda
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Towards fire-smart landscapes

Tropical Forest Issues 61
This 61st edition of Tropical Forest Issues (formerly ETFRN News) includes a collation of 25 articles from a total of more than 100 contributors. There are more than 20 case studies from across tropical America, Asia and Africa, with others that explain the importance of the ecology, management and concepts related to fire...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Côte d'Ivoire - Ecuador - Ethiopia - Ghana - Indonesia - Madagascar - Mexico - Nepal - Thailand - Uganda - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - Viet Nam
2022 - Tropenbos International

وقائع مؤتمرات
Les systèmes participatifs de garantie en Afrique de l'Ouest

Face à l’inadéquation des certifications internationales pour les filières ouest-africaines locales, les systèmes de garantie participatifs (SPG) et leurs structurations nationales sont-ils une solution pour répondre à la demande croissante en produits sans résidus de pesticides sur les marchés locaux ? Voici les éléments de réponses du réseau Roppa-Pafao-Jafowa. 
Benin - Burkina Faso - Madagascar - Mali
2022 - Roppa

مقالة في مجلة
Early effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on the African dairy industry: Cases of Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, and Senegal

This paper provides an early assessment of the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and of subsequent response measures on milk production, collection, processing, marketing and consumption in Africa. We focus on the period surrounding the first wave of the outbreak (from February to June 2020), during which the number of...
Burkina Faso - Kenya - Madagascar - Senegal
2021 - Cahiers Agricultures

Stratégies paysannes de participation à la domestication du poivre sauvage de Madagascar, le Tsiperifery

À Madagascar, le Tsiperifery, une espèce de poivrier sauvage endémique de l’île, est actuellement soumis à une surexploitation. Un programme participatif de domestication de cette plante a été lancé pour assurer la durabilité de son exploitation. Des techniques de culture sont co-construites par des chercheurs et des paysans sur trois sites...
2021 - École Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Développement, École Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d’Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Total results:85
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