




社会、经济与森林: 中国正在进行的森林转型及经验教训

尽管毁林和森林退化现象仍存在于亚洲及太平洋地区的许多国家,但过去三十年中国的林业部门发生了巨大变化。中国不仅成功遏止毁林,还大幅增加了森林面积和蓄积量。目前,中国在人工林和农用林方面居亚洲地区首位,在木材加工方面也取得了令人瞩目的成就。目前是几种林产品(如木板、纸、纸板以及家具)的最大出口国,还是几种非木材林产品的主要生产和出口国。     若干政策变化和体制改革,包括森林权属相关变革,都旨在动员私营部门增加对林业的投资。此外,环境问题也引发了多项干预措施,例如禁止采伐天然林,保护和养护现有森林和林地。城市化快速发展以及随之而来对木材和环境服务的需求,导致在造林、再造林和森林保护方面的投资增加。科学技术取得重大发展,包括加强部门内外的技能和能力,促进了价值链上增值、贸易和市场服务的有效运作,并进一步帮助加速转型。考虑到森林转型的规模和速度,中国的经验尤其值得借鉴。     本文致力于解释影响中国森林转型的因素以及有助于稳定和完善林业部门的多种途径。对于着力改善林业部门的国家,在宏观变化以及需采取广泛措施的背景下,中国的案例提供了特别宝贵的经验教训。
2021 - FAO


2015 - GRAIN


大力发展的中国农业发展不仅为城市居民提供了充足的粮食,而且帮助成千上百万的农村人口脱离了贫困。但这也同时造成了很大的环境问题。在一些本应该是鱼米之乡的丰沃地区,生态系统已经被严重破坏,有些地区的生态系统甚至已经到退化到了无法恢复的程度。由英国和中国的科学家共同组成的研究团队最新的研究成果表明,农业产量的提高是长期以牺牲环境为代价的。在东部的一些省份,如安徽,江苏和上海,粮食和渔业的产量在过去的60年内都有显著的提高。但是这些产量的提高同时伴随着一系列的环境问题, 比如水污染, 空气污染以及水土流失。也许有些人会说这未必是个多么严重的问题。毕竟,粮食产量的提高是使中国几亿的农村人脱离贫困的一个主要因素。与这些相比,自然环境在一定程度上的恶化也许算不了什么。
2015 - GRAIN


粮食生产与气候条件保持着高度的因果联系。今后20 年至50 年间农业生产将受到气候变化的严重冲击,进而严重影响全球的粮食安全。总体而言,气候变化对农业生产的影响,既有负面的,也有正面的。当前负面的影响大于正面影响,需要相应的应对措施。
2015 - GRAIN

调动农村农技 推广潜力

本文陈述了联合国粮食及农业组织也全球农村咨询服务论坛关于农技推广今天站在何处及今后将需要走向何处的立场。本文所述的研究结果的意图是在考虑农业科研促进发展的前途时,改进对推广的定位。本文写入了从倡议的一些利益相者以及其他方面得到的反馈意见,也写入了一些案例的研究概况。 陈述这些案例,是为了阐述如今多元化推广系统特点的经验与途, 也是为了提高人们对推广为持续农村发展和减贫作出贡献贡的多种方式的认识。
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - China - Guinea - Honduras - India - Kenya - Peru - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania

Brasil e China fecharão acordo para criar aliança internacional contra fome

Numa iniciativa inédita, os governos do Brasil e da China vão assinar um compromisso de combater a fome e a pobreza extrema, prevendo até mesmo a construção de uma aliança nos organismos multilaterais para colocar o tema na agenda internacional. O acordo será assinado pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), durante sua visita ao...
Brazil - China
2023 - UOL - O melhor conteúdo NOTÍCIAS

Газетная статья
The effects of quality certification on agricultural low-carbon production behavior: evidence from Chinese rice farmers

Low-carbon agricultural practices have received increasing attention, and the rapid development of agricultural product quality certification in China has provided a potential way to implement low-carbon agriculture. This study employs an endogenous switching regession to examine the effects of quality certification on low-carbon production behaviors using the survey data of...
2023 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

South-South Cooperation boosts expertise to protect plant health and livelihoods in Cambodia and Sri Lanka

Collaboration among farmers and technical experts is enhancing countries’ phytosanitary capacities
Smallholder farmers are important food producers globally. However, they often struggle to meet international standards on trade and related plant health requirements. Bridging the gap between smallholder farms and the global market is now more important than ever. Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) programmes, producers, exporters and technical experts are...
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2023 - FAO

Consumer preference for food products addressing multiple dimensions of poverty: Evidence from China

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Money where it matters for nature and climate

Financing EbA lessons from China, Peru, Uganda and South Africa
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2022 - International Climate Initiative ( IKI )

Traditional mountain landscapes: crucial for meeting biodiversity and climate targets

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2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

South-South Cooperation: FAO signs key agreement with Chinese Government

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2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Three sites in China designated FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

Using traditional practices and knowledge while preserving biodiversity and ecosystems
Three sites in China - an ancient tea-producing area, a nomadic livestock-rearing region and a rain-fed stone terrace farming system - were formally recognised  as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), for their unique ways of using traditional practices and knowledge while maintaining unique biodiversity and ecosystems. The sites were designated during...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Shexian dryland stone terraced system

Shexian dryland stone terraced system is a rain-fed agricultural system in the mountains, developed by the local ancestors through adapting to and transforming the harsh natural environment and inherited from generation to generation. The dryland terrace system has outstanding soil and water conservation abilities. This practice explains the process of...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Science, technology and backyards explained- what it is, and how does it work

The following practice describes the STB model, its functions, major elements, how it works, stakeholders involved, training required, costs and outcomes, and challenges and limitations to adoption and scaling. It includes summary information on some case studies to highlight the success of this practice applied elsewhere. China's agriculture sector is characterized...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

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Beekeeping of the eastern honeybee (Apis cerana) using an improved traditional hive (China)

Beekeeping with Apis cerana using traditional log hives often leads to the destruction of the colony during honey harvesting because the combs are destroyed in the harvesting process and bees cannot survive. The introduction of a wooden cross in the middle of the traditional log hive can solve this problem. This practice...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Webinar ''Growing agroecology in China - Challenges and Opportunities'' on 10 January 2021

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2021 - Oxford Real Farming 7.18K subscribers

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Risk sharing, benefit distribution and cooperation longevity: sustainable development of dairy farmer cooperatives in China

The sustainable development of cooperatives is essential to agricultural sustainability and is determined mainly by cooperation longevity. The risk sharing and benefit distribution mechanisms are important governance arrangements that affect cooperation longevity in member-heterogeneous cooperatives. However, the relationship between cooperatives’ risk sharing and benefit distribution arrangements and cooperation longevity is...
2021 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

实 践
Promocionando el desarrollo de Cooperativas de Campesinos para la gestión de riesgos a nivel local

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2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Carbon neutral tea production in China – Three pilot case studies

The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for about 25 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, but can also be an important part of the solution to climate change, through adaptation and mitigation efforts.  As part of its Strategy on Climate Change, FAO is developing the low...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:129
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