




Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts y Nevis

This report presents the main findings and recommendations from a vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) of coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis. The overall goal of the assessment was to improve understanding of local climate change impacts and vulnerabilities for effective adaptation in the fisheries sector. It...
Saint Kitts and Nevis
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Petrocaribe: 10 años de lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza

La publicación "PETROCARIBE: 10 años de lucha contra el hambre. Lecciones Aprendidas", contiene la sistematización producto de una reciente investigación realizada por el Programa de Cooperación Venezuela-FAO, SANA, de las historias de éxito contra el hambre y la desnutrición consecuencia de planes y proyectos implementados en el marco de los...
Antigua and Barbuda - Belize - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Grenada - Haiti - Jamaica - Nicaragua - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Small Farmers can expect the Caribbean farmers network to assist in marketing their produce in addition to forming links across the region

Farmers will be assisted in marketing selected produce and creating links in the region, with the establishment of the Caribbean farmer’s network (CAFAN). Chief Coordinator, Jethro Greene says it was recognized that everyone cannot get involved from the inception; so CAFAN will work with those who are willing to get...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

CaFAN Regional Value Chain Alliance Project

The Caribbean Farmers Network has signed on June 20, 2015, a cost-sharing contract for a project titled, "Sustainable, profitable value chains, and market linkages in the Caribbean" with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA). CaFAN and CTA have been long standing partners since the inception of CaFAN in...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Growing greener cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

An FAO report on urban and peri-urban agriculture in the region
This new FAO report – in English and Spanish – looks at progress made in“growing greener cities” in Latin America and the Caribbean – cities in which urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is recognized by public policy, included in urban developmentstrategies and land-use planning, supported by agricultural research and extension,...
Antigua and Barbuda - Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Cuba - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Panama - Paraguay - Peru - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago

Ciudades más verdes en América Latina y el Caribe

Un informe de la FAO sobre la agricultura urbana y periurbana en la región
El informe presenta la agricultura urbana y periurbana en 23 países y 10 ciudades. Muestra como esta actividad es decisiva para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de los sectores pobres de la población urbana de la región, que suministra a numerosos habitantes de las ciudades “alimentos locales” frescos de elevado...
Antigua and Barbuda - Belize - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chile - Colombia - Cuba - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Jamaica - Nicaragua - Panama - Paraguay - Peru - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Suriname
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Annual Report of the Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) 2013

The Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) presently represents over 500,000 small farmers spread across fifteen Caribbean countries; Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts/ Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. CaFAN member farmers organisations are directly involved in...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Haiti - Jamaica - Montserrat - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2013 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

AGRIVYBZ, Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) Newsletter #15

This issue (June, 2013), contains: CaFAN holds Multi-stakeholders National Consultations Training Young People on Youth Policies Memorandum of Understanding signed CTA conducts Impact Study Buyer Grower Forums, stories from Jamaica and Saint Lucia CaFAN members kick-start PROPEL CaFAN Hosts Interns Upcoming Events
Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2013 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Land law and agricultural production in the Eastern Caribbean

A regional overview of issues and options
The report highlights commonalties and differences among prevalent land tenure, land use and land administration problems and practices affecting agriculture in the OECS, as well as policy and legislative responses to those problems. Recommendations for amending, updating or harmonizing existing national laws, as appropriate, are also proposed. A key message...
Antigua and Barbuda - Dominica - Grenada - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Regional policy forum on youth and rural modernization

The Forum was divided into five segments and took the form of panel discussions. The four main panels were: Youth Business Development in the Caribbean; Valorizing youth and rural resources through enterprise development. Leadership and Advocacy; Building capacities for policy development, succession planning and sustainability. Agriculture in schools; Broadening the scope and possibilities...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname
2012 - The Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Emergency response support to 3 CARICOM states to impacts of the 2010 hurricane season

This document constitutes the Final Report on implementation of activities covered by the first Letter of Agreement (LOA) between the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) under the CARICOM/Brazil/FAO Cooperation Programme on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The Cooperation Programme...
Barbados - Belize - Brazil - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Regional value chain training workshop

The objective of the workshop was to improve the understanding of value chain frameworks, mechanisms and tools to be used in the development and implementation of projects within the regional network of CaFAN. Specifically, CaFAN aimed to build capacity among farmer leaders in upgrading and managing commodity value chains, which...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago

Youth in agriculture regional workshop

The workshop was designed to address the main contributors to the lack of youth involvement in the sector and also to provide an enabling environment for the young and the not so young within the network to come together, exchange ideas, develop leaders and find common solutions to common problems....
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2010 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Caribbean regional workshop on strengthening the capacity of farmer’s organizations to respond to changing agricultural markets

This was a regional workshop that brought together representatives from regional and national producer organizations, representatives in agribusiness from the Caribbean region and members of the Caribbean Farmers’ Network. It was held to identify capacity building strategies that agricultural producer organizations and networks at the regional, national and sub-national levels...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2008 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)
Total results:14